The mall

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We sat there. Drinking our milkshakes. Him trying to keep a low profile and me jumpy as hell. That man from the other night could be anywhere. What if he's watching me at this very moment? I looked around. No one was looking at me. Not what I could see anyways.

"Are you okay?" Angelo asked. I nodded. He leaned a little closer to me. "Are you sure? It looks like something is bothering you." He said. I just nodded not really paying attention on what he was saying. I just kept looking around making sure he's not here.

Like I said. I am terrified. Who wouldn't be. The other day you saw the man that beat you enough to put you in the hospital and told you he would be back. But when? He never said when and where. He could be stalking me and just waiting to get me off track and make his attack. Just like BAM! And I wouldn't see it coming.

I feel like I'm being over dramatic. I can't help it though. It's kinda hard not to. What would you do if this was happening to you? How would you feel? I just need some help. Just someone to tell me that it's all just a big nightmare and that I was safe. That no one was going to harm me. That I am safe. Just once. Even if they don't mean it. Even if they're lying. Maybe it'll make me feel safer. Even though I know its a lie. What am I suppose to do. I feel like I'm just stuck in a nightmare and there's no way out. It was torture knowing he could be anywhere, and I couldn't do anything about it. He kicked my ass once what makes you think he won't do it again.

"Snow?" Angelo placed a hand on my shoulder. "Tell me. What's bothering you?" He said softly snapping me out of my train of thoughts. I looked at him. "It's nothing." I said back. "If it was nothing it wouldn't be bothering you." He said without breaking his eye contact with him. I sighed, and told him the story. About what happened. That night up to today.

"Don't worry Snow. I'm here. I won't let no one touch you." He said with a smile that made me feel a little better. I smiled back. I looked over his shoulder. I don't know why. I just did. I felt like I needed to. Like someone was watching me, and there was.

When I realized who it was my body went stiff. I couldn't blink, talk, move, nor breath. I couldn't do anything then just stare with wide eyes. I wish to god I didn't look over at him. It was that man. I knew it! Right when I got off guard he'll appear! It's like he's haunting me! Why? What have I done to this man? I never even meet him until he attacked me that night.

"Snow? Are you okay?" Angelo asked me studying my frozen face. I couldn't seem to get any words out. The man's lips curved into a small smirk. Not the friendly kind of smirk either. More like the 'I told you I'll be back you pathetic bithc. Now your dead meat'. Well...something like that. Angelo turned to see what I'm staring at.

All of the sudden the man started walking towards us...


Hiya! I hope you like it and sorry if I kept you waiting, but I hope you like this chapter!(:




Shy Skeleton(: xx

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