Meeting The Rest Of The Band

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We pulled up to a gorgeous house. I still can't believe he is taking me in. It's a little weird. I heard music coming from inside the house. "I hope you don't mind loudness. The boys are pretty noisy." He said looking over at me. I smiled. "It's fine." He smiled back. We got out of the car. The breeze blew blowing my hair across my face. I took a deep breath of the fresh air. "So the whole band lives here?" I asked looking at him across the car."Yep." He said popping the 'p' at the end.

"Are you sure they will be okay if I live with you guys? What if they hate me?" I said. I don't want my favorite band hating me. "Nah, they won't hate you, and they won't mind." He said with a smile. We walked to the door. He opened it to a crazy party. They were drinking, dancing, and smoking weed with a couple of girls. I looked over at Chris. He looked at me and then walked over and unplugged the stereo. "Hey!" Ricky whined. "Oh hey Chris." Joshua Began. "Where have you been?" He asked.

Chris looked over at me then they all did. It couldn't get more awkward then this. My eyes wondered off from them and to the ground. Chris walked over to me and placed his arm around my shoulder. "This is Snow. She will be living with us." He said. They looked at each other then smiled. "Welcome to the family!" They laughed and came over to me and hugged me. The girls sat there not knowing what to do. Wow. That was easier then I thought it was going to be. I thought some of them was going to be against it. It was kinda weird, but comforting.

"So. Why exactly are you moving in." Devin asked me. "She has no where else to go." Chris explained. "And where have you been?" Ryan asked. "With her. I couldn't just help her then leave her." He said. Memories came in my head from that night. Terrible memories. It hurts just to remember them. "Help her? What happened?" Ricky asked. "She was attacked by some man." Chris explained. I flinched from what he said. I felt a tear slide down my cheek.

"Are you okay?" Chris asked noticing the tear that went down my cheek. He wrapped his arms around me bringing me into a hug. Then before I knew it. It was a huge group hug.

We sat on the couch. Just talking. Laughing a little. Getting to know the rest of the band a little better. They're wonderful people. We all became closer by the minute. These people actually make me happy. Truly happy. I haven't been truly happy since mom died.





Shy Skeleton xx

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