I Love You

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When we arrived to the house from the long fun drive. I was happy seeing the house again. Especially the boys. I'm still pretty scared about my father again, but I need to push past that.

Everything was getting better, and I need to keep looking on the bright side. I need to stop worrying about every little thing, and just live my life with my idols.

We all got out of the car still talking and laughing. "It won't come out!" I heard Ricky yell trying to get a speaker that they bought before we arrived at the house.

"That's what she said!" I yelled laughing walking around to the back of the car where he was struggling. He looked over at me. "Ha Ha Ha. Very funny." He said sarcastically and smiled. "I think it's caught on something." I looked behind it and unwrapped the cord from some hooky thing in the car.

He slid it out with no problem and I held the cords to keep it from dragging on the ground. Chris opened the door letting us go in first and we sat it down on the floor. "Don't you think you guys have enough speakers?" I asked laughing knowing the answer to that stupid question. "No!" They all said at the same time. I laughed. " You could never have enough speakers." Chris grinned.

"I know." I grinned back.

The rest of the band walked in the kitchen. Except for Chris.

"Hey. Can we talk?" He asked. My heart stopped and my breath left my lungs. What was he wanting to talk about?! Please not what happened! Oh. My. God. He probably thinks I'm weir from what had happen. I just nodded and he grabbed my hand pulling me into a separate room. I quietly followed him.

When we walked into his room he shut the door then turned to face me. "It's been different without you around. I'm really glad you're back." He said and hugged me. I returned the hug. "I'm glad to be back. It was so boring and I missed you guys." I smiled.

"So.." He rubbed the back of his neck. "About what happened that night." he trailed off. I bit my lip nervously on what he was about to say next.

"Was it true when you said you loved me." I looked down not knowing what to do or say. What should I say? What would it matter if I said it was true? He already has a girlfriend, and no one likes her, but he still has a girlfriend. I looked up at him meeting his eye contact.

What if he starts hating me if I said it was true though. What if thinks of me differently? Well. I guess we're about to find out. Because it's killing me not letting it out.

I slowly nodded and I felt a tear go down my cheek. He smiled and pulled me in a hug. "You know what Snow?" He asked, and I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. "I love you to." A big smile pulled at the corner of my lips. "Will you be mine?" He asked.

"Yes!" I said hugging him tightly, but my happiness quickly went away. "But what about Fay?"

"I dumped her after the way she treated you that day. Plus, I fell in love with you. I never really liked her like I thought I did." I smile again, and so did he.

I can't believe this is really happening. Everything is perfect now. Someone better not wake me the fuck up if this is a dream.

He bent down, and kissed me.

"I love you." He said smiling.

"I love you to." I said smiling back.


Annnnnnnd that is the end of this book! Thank you so much for reading! If you liked the second book of this one is published. Go check it out? ---> "Snow's Story Continues."




Shy Skeleton xx

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