Rise of the B.R.G

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3rd person POV:

(Year 5022)

News reporter: 5 hours ago, the Solar Gear appeared in Earth's territory.

News reporter: Authorities attempted to apprehend the Gear and its pilot, however during the chase, the orbiting city, Vestvill, was attacked.

News reporter: A Gear resembling the ancient Azrexel, destroyed a military housing district, killing several soldiers.

News reporter: During its escape, the Solar Gear came across it, engaging in combat.

News reported: However the Solar Gear was knocked into the Dark Azrexel's escape portal, disappearing.

News reporter: The Dark gear then changed its escape tactic to a combat one as it began engaging against every force that approached it.

News reporter: The Gear is currently surrounded by the Earth space force, led by Captain Foxtrot.

News reporter: According to our sources, the Gear has not attempted to attack unless the military reaches a certain range.

News reporter: Range attacks seem to be futile against the Gear's superior maneuverability.

News reporter: Stay tuned, as we wait to see how this situation develops.

Watching this from the secret Link series base was Luna, who was not happy with how the situation had developed.

Luna: Where is Solas...?

Chibi Lunas:(sadly shrugs)

Luna: Tch... That idiot...

Luna: As soon as the repairs are done, we are taking that Gear down, understood?

Chibi Lunas:(nods)

(Opening theme)

Rex watched the broadcasting of the Dark Azrexel gear causing trouble.

Rex:(mind) Solas... you and Yn better be safe.

Rex:(mind) I don't need the hassle of explaining death to your little brother.


Rex:(mind) Next time I'm definitely sending Lunas and that woman.

Rex: Speaking of which...

A holographic monitor pops up, allowing the android to watch Lunas take off towards the Dark Gear.

Rex:(sigh)... If this hits the fan, to hell with your cover, I'm going to visit your work.

(With Luna)

(With Luna)

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