Enchanted (Part 1)

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This is it for now, LVLYFT31. Thank you for your support, bestie. Hope you like this one. :>


She stood there, on that same spot, where they met, where they talked, where they confessed, and where they shared their first kiss. It's such a shame that it will be wasted just because of a single happening, that she wishes that she could go back in time and change all of these and if she can't, she should have spent that life to the fullest, knowing it will be wasted and forgotten.

She looked up, cherry blossoms were blooming, but in her heart, the rose that she kept is withering, losing hope for the love she deserve to be received. She sighed, as she held out her hand, hoping for a petal to fall on her palm, a sign that she must continue on hoping and waiting.

But seconds and minutes have passed, but no petal came.

She sighed once again. She tightened her scarf around her neck, still feeling the winter that have passed. It was an early spring day, but her soul was gloomy, and trying to fight off the storm that was about to ruin her in the inside.

She looked up the sky and asked herself,

Should I really give up, and just move on?

She can't decide, and her heart still want to hope, to hope that he will come back to her. To hope that he will come home, to just find him in front of her door, smiling and looking at her lovingly.

But her mind knew too well, that he will never, again.


Terri walks by the streets, feeling the breeze of the early morning. Her thick coat sways with every blow of the cold wind. She tucked a few blown strands of her light brown hair behind her ear as she strides towards the nearest coffee shop.

She opened the glass door and was greeted by the bittersweet aroma of the coffee being brewed. She went to the counter and ordered her usual. She looked for a table and finally found a two seater table which was a window seat. She always liked that place.

As she placed her bag on the table, she readied her things. Her newly released book, a laptop, a notebook, a sketchpad, a pen and a pencil.

She took out her glasses before proceeding on working.

Minutes have passed and her order came. She sipped through her hot latte while writing a new book. She's actually losing herself, but she still continues and pushes herself to not give up on everything just because of him. Just because he left, doesn't mean she should be leaving everything behind too.

But she knew she was lost when a very familiar voice woke her up from her thoughts.

"Hi, miss.."she looked up, trying to hide her nervousness.

"Can I sit here? I can't find anymore vacant tables."he said, quite sorry.

"O-Oh, no. I don't really mind. Go ahead."she said and smiled thriftily. He muttered a 'thanks' before sitting in front her.

And for the whole time, she remained silent. And she doesn't want to break that silence. She would rather just stare at his face, admiring him. He might not be the most handsome guy she have ever met, but she knew he's more than that.

She smiled secretly as she tries to distract herself with writing, but she couldn't. She was meant to be drawn to him. She kept on looking at him, telling herself that she was right all along. She was right on hoping and still waiting. She was right on never giving up on him. She will try.

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