The Beginning of a Catastrophe

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A/N - HEYYY HUMANSS! So, I am releasing this storyyy. The human you see above is how i'd picture my OC Cooper (Actor, Hugh Jackman), who you will learn more about. And yes, because I had no idea what to name him, I named him after Cooper Barnes  -.-
This book will have 7 chapters and will be pretty short but as I said on my feed, it is a short story. However, I am willing to make a sequel which I hope will be longer, after all this is a start of an adventure. ENJOY!

Henry's POV

Okay so a lot has happened the past few months. Me and Ray had our last few missions involving fighting Drex. We won of course but it almost cost me my life. So, yes we made a lot of sacrifices. I ended up quitting the job of Captain Man's sidekick and moved to Dystopia. However, I've been questioning those decisions lately and I don't know why.

Any - Ray-I mean anyway, I searched for a new job and ended up getting MAJOR deja vu. The store I work for is called 'Swiftly Thrift'. So yeah it's a junk store, but it's more than that. I know what you're thinking and what you're thinking is right. I have a new partner in crime. Except this time I am not the sidekick. Again I am the partner.

His name is Cooper Black. I call him Coop though. We're good friends but sometimes we get into small verbal fights. Okay...more like all the time. I also have another friend named Zac Jackman. He is sort of like the Schwoz of the group. Handy Man and all. Let's see how long I can last.

Ray's POV

It's been a while since I've heard from Henry. I really want him to visit home. In the meantime Miss Shapen is making me take pictures with the danger force's parents or the school will get shut down. Chapa's dad looks oddly familiar to me and it freaks me out. I also realized Bose's mom is hot so I got some new opportunities. How can things get better?

Henry's POV

Me and Coop just got back from a failure of a mission because we accidentally let some bad guys go.

"How could you let them go?!" Coop breaks the silence.

"Well, it could've been your fault!" I say trying to defend myself.

"You gotta admit it was your fault and you know it." Cooper replies calmer.

"Well yeah I guess I can admit that but I also-" I get cut off

"Hen, you're homesick and I know it." He takes a step closer. "Because of it you are getting less and less focused. So......"

He holds out a plane ticket and I grab it. It's a round trip to Swellview.

"You should go, Henry. It'll be good for ya."

"You sure, Coop? I mean I haven't been working with you that long and you're already giving me a break?" I ask.

"I just want you to be happy in Dystopia. Even if that means taking a couple breaks."

"Thank you. You don't know how much this means to me!"

I head for the elevator and open it to leave.

"Bye Cooper."

"Happy trails, kid."

A/N - This is going fast already, hope you enjoyed the first part. How do you think Ray will respond to Henry's new friend? Just a matter of time before you find out. I'll see you in the next part!

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