A Catastrophe

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Henry's POV

I open my eyes and scan the area. I am still where I was when I fell. I look underneath me and see blood, then a cut on my stomach. That's probably why I see spots all over my vision. I get out my phone to see notifications from my sister freaking out, and a news alert. I click on it where I see Trent and Mary who both don't look happy.

"I'm afraid we've lost Captain Man to the dark side." Trent says and I bush my eyebrows.

Mary adds, "After being taken over by Drex-" I turned off my phone and started running back to the man's nest.

Once I enter I see Danger Force and one of my best friend's on the ground.

"Ray!" I panicked, "What did you do?!"

"Who the hell is Ray?"

"No." I mutter.

He comes at me but I dodge him. I know he's indestructible, but I still don't want to fight him.

"Come back here!" He shouts.

I keep dodging him.

"Man, you've got to try something other than that," I say.

"And you've gotta stop dodging!"

"Ray, you have to stop! You hurt your friends! But most of all, those who believe...who believe in Captain Man, are losing hope so please! Just listen!"

"To you? When has that ever been important?"

I groaned, dodging another attack out of frustration.

"Remember that time when I got the job as Kid Danger? When we met?"


"Or when we went to space? Fought the toddler on the moving train? The Time Jerker when I was sent to the past to keep redoing that day? Fighting Dr. Minyak for the first time? Come on! Please remember! Come back!"


This time, I approached Captain Man. Which was a big mistake because he uses all of his force to kick me into the hard wall of the man's nest.

I heard the crack of my head before saying one last thing, "what......h-happened t-to......you...?" My eyes then close......for the last time?

Ray's POV

I was trapped in a white room. I couldn't see anything in the outside world. When I suddenly feel like some weight has been taken off of my shoulders, I drop.

When I wake up I see Danger Force and Cooper huddling something I stood up.

"I'm okay!"

"Shut up, Ray!" Mika says and it shocked me. Mika never says things like that. I approach and peek into the huddle where I see Henry against the wall with blood staining his hair and suit, running down his face.

"Please Henry. Oh for God's sake I never would've thought I need you this much! Come back..." Cooper says.


Cooper puts a hand over Henry's heart. "Nothing." He says blandly. "And whose fault is that?"

I bush my eyebrows as everyone looks at me.

Mika pushes a button on the remote.

"-and while being under control captain Man killed a visiting hero known only as Henry Hart. Show the clip," Mary says and I notice my heart pumping faster than ever before.

A clip appears on the screen.

"Please remember!" Henry shouts on the TV screen.

"Never." Says me on the screen.

I watch as I kick Henry into the wall

"what......h-happened t-to......you?" Henry stutters and I feel the sensation that I never used to feel twice in one day.

Henry then shuts his eyes. Lastly, I see the smirk on my face. I killed my best friend then smiled. I couldn't believe it. I repeated it in my head once again.

I killed my best friend. The worst part is......he died thinking I hate him.

My phone rings and I look at it and groan in anger. "Shapen," I say and pick up. "Hello this is Ray Manchester,"

"Hi Mr. Manchester, I have some news..."

"What is it?"

"You didn't take the photo, remember? Now, you guys are shut down. So you better pack up and leave!"

"But you can't do that-" she hangs up.

I look towards my friends and Cooper who isn't really my friend yet, still crying and seeing their tears too, I say desperately,

"What're we going to do?"

A/N - DUN DUN DUNNNN! How do you guys feel being left on a cliffhanger? I hate cliffhangers. Lookout for the sequel in the near future!

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