Drex in a Catastrophe

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Ray's POV

I watched as Henry left. It broke my heart that he thought I hate him. I wasn't mad that day, I was jealous. Those were my feelings affecting my best friend. I didn't want this to be what he remembers me as.

I walked into the man's nest and looked out the window. I could see Cooper debating whether he should let Henry go on the next flight by himself or if he should try to talk to him. Then suddenly, I hear knuckles crack. I turn around just to see an all too familiar face. Drex.

"You miss me?" He asks with a bucket load of sarcasm.

"Who ever liked you?!"

It goes quiet for a second.

"Yeah, thought so," I say.

"So......now that we got the kid-"

"Wait, back up, what?!" I exclaim walking towards him, "get rid of who?"

"Oh it's nothing...we just killed HENRY HART!" He spits out the kids name like it's sour but I didn't believe Drex. Henry just left, there's no way.

"Really then, proof."

"No crying, Ray? I guess you really do hate the kid. Too bad he had to die. Oh wait, I don't care."

I start to yell and I pick up the closest object and fling it at Drex. It was shortly after when I realized what I threw was Mika. Oof.

"Give me proof! Then I'll believe you!"

"Okay! You could've just asked!" He held out a picture of Henry, unconscious on the ground in a pool of blood.

"No......" I whisper, stepping back.

Mika stands up and shouts, "it's not real, Ray! He's just manipulating you!"

"Don't mess with his feelings Mika," he uses a baby voice, "he already knows that the kid is dead!" He says the last part normally with anger and a sadistic feeling to it.

"Drex, why don't you choose a path, and follow it to wherever is the best place for you to be," Miles says.

"Shut up, child! No paths!"

Ray was now looking towards his feet feeling the sensation of blurred vision and the warmth of a tear rolling down his cheek.

"Aw Ray? Are you crying? Waah waah!" He mocks.

Ray uses all of his force to fight Drex. He throws a punch towards his face, but he catches it and twists his arm.

"I bet you also forgot. I'm indestructible!"

"I did forget that, yes." I say. Drex threw me across the room. Ouch. That would really hurt someone who's not indestructible.

I stood up, "I'm okay."

"Why don't you transform, Raymond. Maybe you'll learn something while fighting with me."

Danger Force and Ray transformed. We blew the bubbles and turned into our alter egos. ShoutOut, AWOL, Brainstorm, Volt, and Captain Man. We started fighting more. Then, I notice Cooper transforming to help us too. He has a black leather jacket, ripped black jeans, and a fire logo on the back of his jacket. Then, he shoots fire at Drex. He drops to the ground and I smile.

"Yeah! Take that Drex-y!" I say in a baby voice.

He shouts, "Aah! I hate the baby voice!"

I walk over to him on the ground.

"I honestly thought that this was going to be harder," I say.

"You're not even close to winning!" Suddenly, I feel a shock of pain and something breaking through my skin. But- how?!

"I hope you enjoy this!"

I hear voices around me as I stumble.

"Ray! Ray, you're okay!" Says one of the voices.

"This is a very rocky path, you guys!"

"Um, um.........I don't know what to do!"

"We'll get you out of this! I promise!" Says a voice that was definitely Chapa.

I fell to the ground.

Mika's POV

I saw Ray fall. I was very confused. Ray's indestructible! Right?! I panicked. I saw some blood on his arm where he was hit by Drex. Speaking of the devil, he arose from the ground and said something before he ran off, "Maybe you should run."

We couldn't run after Drex, not now. Not when our boss, teacher, and friend needs us most.

Then, he wakes up and sits up. I smile. He's okay! As always of course, but he's okay!

However, my smile disappeared when he smirked. He never does that. I mean he has smirked before but not the way he did it right now. It was so evil. Then I realized. Drex must've put in a chemical that made him have evil intentions.

He stood up.

"Guys..." I tried to warn but Ray kicked Miles and Cooper. They flew back to the corner of the man's nest.

"Miles!" I shout.

Then, Volt uses her powers and directs it to Ray. He gets shocked by the electricity for five seconds before he comes back at her and her powers ricochet off Ray and back to Volt, sending her to the floor, unconscious.

"This isn't you, Ray," Bose says, trying to convince Ray. I never thought he could be so serious.

He uses his powers to pick Ray up. He squirms in the air until he throws out his arm toward Bose and that does something so, he falls to the ground. You guessed it, unconscious. Ray drops into a pose. Such a poser.

He approaches me, "you gonna make this hard, Mika? Or should I just get rid of you now after you give up?!"


I take a step forward and use my powers. It holds him back for a minute before I run out of air. I stumble back and Ray punches me. That's when I see black.

A/N - Things are just getting better and better -.-
I don't really know what to say here so I'll see you in the next chapter.

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