Love Heals

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So, we knew few things that were certain. 1. Dodge is Lucas, Lucas is Dodge. 2. Dodge had like 90% of our good keys. 3. Ellie and Lucas have some kind of twisted alliance, and 4. We really needed help.

While Tyler and Kinsey were off telling their friends, I planned on telling Eden. She was the only real friend I had made besides Gabe since I got here and I didn't think it was fair to leave her out, no matter how much Kinsey protested. Although she is a vindictive bitch, I have to admit, I like having her around.

When I approached her door, all I heard was a scream. I quickly barged in to see what happened, but to my surprise, everything looked normal. She stared at me. "Did you see that thing!" Shouted Eden pointing at the window, she was out of breath.

"What are you talking about? There is nothing there Eden, maybe you partied just a bit too much last night?" I didn't want to push my luck with her, she looked a little bewildered.

"No, no! It looked like your sister, I swear I'm going to wring that little pervert's throat when I get ahold of her, I'll be back." I tried to grab Eden's wrist, but she was already out the door. Wonderful, I had one job and I couldn't even do that.

Well, since that was a bust, I decided to visit Gabe. It had been a few days since we had really talked, besides the general "hello, how's it going?" and I was getting a little worried about the distance he was putting between us. Maybe he was upset I wasn't giving more in the relationship? No, he's not like that, right? What if he wound some other girl, who doesn't have crazy key baggage. I needed to find him, soon.

I knocked on his door, to which a disheveled-looking Gabe appeared. His eyes widened, and he closed some of the space in the doorway. "Hey, I thought we could spend some time together? How about we get some clam chowder?"

"Sorry Len, I'm a little caught up on schoolwork, maybe another day?" He was acting secretive, like there was something behind the door, but I didn't pry.

"Well, maybe I could help, we always study together, right?" I was feeling down right now, and the only thing that could make me feel better was Gabe, but it seemed like I was the last thing he wanted.

"Probably not Len, you know you're not the best in school, you'd probably be more of a distraction," OUCH "I'll call you later, okay?" He was being cold, and I could feel my breath starting to quiver.

"Look, the reason I came is I really need someone right now-"

"Lennon, I don't have time for this, I can't help you right now, maybe we should just take a break until after school dies down, and you've obviously got bigger fish to fry. You need to leave, please." Lennon. Lennon. Lennon.

"Lennon." I spat out while saline dropped down my face.


"You called me Lennon."

"That's your name, isn't it?

"You're right, it is. Don't use it again. I almost died and you want to end it because school is hard. I thought we were in this together! Did you know you're the first boyfriend I've ever had because I was always too shy to talk to people? I'm sorry I inconvenienced you, Gabe. I didn't know I was such a burden." I shouted bitterly before walking away. I promised myself that I wouldn't tell Gabe about my key, but all I wanted was to go to him, hug him, love him. Wait, did I think that?

I loved him, and I thought maybe he felt that way too. I wanted to love him without having to beg for love back, and here I was throwing myself at him, that's when I realized; you can't love someone into loving you, no matter how hard you try.


I must have looked like a mess by the time I found Eden, who had scratches all over her face. "What-what happened to you?" I whimpered while trying to dry my eyes.

Partner in Crime (a Locke and Key GabexOC fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now