02 || Chapter .II

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"So... you just woke up in Takemichi's body yesterday?"

"And you just accepted his explanation?" Smiley wondered, while cocking his head to the side.

"What the hell are you talking about Smiley?" Baji inquired 

"I mean isn't weird that you accepted the explanation that easily?"

Looking at where the voice had come from Takuya frowned, "It's hard to explain but he just didn't feel or talked the same as before." 

"How can someone not 'feel' the same?" Chifuyu asked feeling confused with the answer that was given. 

"It felt almost like someone older trying to fit with someone younger." Takuya said, with a hand at his chin trying to put into words the feeling that he got the first time that he met him in Takemichi body. 

"Now that I give it some thought how old he is?" Mikey asked  

"What do you mean Mikey? He is fourteen-" Draken said but cut himself after remembering that technically as far as they know it could be an old man in a teenager body. 

He couldn't help the shudder and make a grimace at the mental image that he just gave himself. 

"No, I mean how old is Kemi not the body who he is at right now." Mikey responded, not minding that Draken cut himself before he finished the sentence. After all he had a very good idea what just went through his friend's mind. 

(And he couldn't help but feel amused at it - he was sure that Kemi wasn't that old, maybe around his twenties, but not that much older

"Huh? Oh! He at that time was nineteen." Takuya explained to the Toman's commander as simply as possible not wanting to interact with the others much. 

(He remembered a vague memory of one of the more particular 'bad days' that Kemi had where he confessed that he wanted to die older than last time

(But there was almost no chance of that happening now

Low mutters were heard across the room not being particularly surprised by the age, even when some of them thought that he would have been somewhat older. 

'That's a really young age for someone to die' Hakkai thought somewhat grimly  

A panicked blonde nodded.

"And you didn't mean to do that and in fact have no idea how you ended up here?"

"Pretty sure that was obvious after his reaction when waking up." Mitsuya muttered 

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