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Patrick's words echo in my head. She's perfect for some summer fun. I'm not the type of girl who has summer fun. When I fall for someone it's for good, I don't like whirlwind romances that only last a few months. Sure, Anna is a lot of fun, but I'm literally two days out of a relationship that I thought might last forever. I'm not ready.

Anna comes into the room, her hair is wet, and the scent of coconut wafts around me. Her fluffy blue towel is wrapped around her body. Shutting the door she starts to get dressed. She's not shy at all. I bury my head back into the Christina Lauren book I've been devouring. In the corner of my eye I catch Anna pulling on some comfortable shorts and a sports bra, leaving her stomach exposed. There's something about the way her sides curve that make me feel all these crazy things.

She settles down into the bed beside me.

"Christina Lauren, they are my favorite. Have you read Josh and Hazel? Hazel is my spirit animal. Or Human, I guess."

"That's my favorite." I glance up at her with a smile. She scoots over her body flush against mine as she looks down at the book like she's reading.

"Oh, do you mind if I read with you? I like this one too."

I avert my eyes from the book over to her. Her wet hair falls just above her breasts, leaving some wet marks against the black bra. Her big brown eyes glisten in the fading light of the sun peeking through the window. I know I'm just looking for comfort after an insanely hard breakup, but it feels almost like I've known for more than five hours.


We spent most of the late afternoon engrossed in the book. We wait until the other is done reading to turn the page, but mostly finish around the same time. When I finally check the time on my phone. It's almost seven. My stomach starts to rumble as the smell of beef burgers and potato salad circulates through the house.

"I smell it too. Would it be okay if we read later? I love reading before bed and I forgot all my books and my cell is so ancient. Reading on it is awful."


I close the book and stare up at her with a smile. She reaches up and tucks a strand of my wavy mousy brown hair behind my ear. "Perfect, can't wait."

She gets up and waits for me at the door.

"Oh," I say. "I'll be down in a minute."

She smiles, "Okay." Then retreats from the room.

My heart is trying to escape from my chest. What is happening right now? I put my head in my hands and Oliver's handsome bearded face flashes in my head. The look on his face when he broke it off with me haunts me. It was as stoic as Edward when he told Bella he never loved her. How is it that we went from having sex in his dorm to him telling me it's over within only a few hours? Was there someone else? I guess I'll never know.


Downstairs in the kitchen everyone is sitting down for dinner. The first eye to catch mine is Anna. There's an empty chair beside her at the large oval table in the open living room/dining room/ kitchen area. She pats the seat. Patrick is on the other side and that makes me feel a little better. I don't want her to get the wrong idea. Sure, she's attractive, and in only the thirty seconds I knew her being with her felt oddly familiar, but I'm not sure what I want out of my summer.

I sit down beside her and she happily greets me. She lifts the wine bottle and the glass that's already set in my spot. I nod as she pours the yellow-gold liquid into the cup. I take a sip and almost down it when Patrick bumps into me.

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