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We all hop into Sally's red dodge caravan. It was her moms, but her mom ended up with a brand new Lexus and gave her the old van. Pat sits beside me in the last row. Hunter called shotgun before we left the house, so he's beside Sally. Anna sits in one of the captains chairs in the middle, she's directly in front of me. I can't seem to keep my eyes off her. The feelings she gave me last night have rolled into today, the thought of her touch on my skin causes a tingling sensation to pop up.

We pull up to the beach where the volleyball tournament is happening this summer. I found out this morning that it's set for every Tuesday. I'm not sure how well this will go, hopefully I can keep up. We all hop out of the van. It's so old that we have to manually slide the side doors open.

Pat walks down with me, his camera wrapped around his neck. He lifts it and turns. I try to lift my hand to stop him, but he gets me and I grin. He captures a few more before I duck away and run. As we hit the hot sand there's already a few groups waiting around. There are four nets set up and spread out enough to not interfere with each other.

I jog down to catch up with Sally. My eyes scan the beach and the other players. They all look ready and raring to go. Most of the girls playing have these tall lean bodies with a perfect tan. I'm the complete opposite. I'm short, not heavy, but not skinny, and my tan comes in the form of a sunburn I got yesterday while we were on the beach.

Sally, Anna, and Hunter head over to a group who I assume will be our team. My eyes land on someone who from behind looks so familiar. Jet black hair that reaches the middle of their neck, a white tank, black bathing suit, and hairy muscular legs. I'd know those legs anywhere, hell I felt them up for two years. Oliver turns and his eyes find mine. What the hell is he doing here?

I brush past everyone and head straight for him. Eyes wide he stares at me like he's seen a ghost. As I'm halfway down the beach I stop short. One of the girls jumps onto his back and starts kissing his cheek. Her dark hair is tossed in a high bun on her head, and bounces as she laughs. The tune of her laughter floats up the beach towards me. He smirks up at her, it's the type he used to reserve for me.

Unfortunately, I have to get way too close to him. He's on the opposing team and standing by the net. The girl who attached herself to Oliver hops down, gives him a very sensual kiss, then walks away, her hips swaying as she goes. I try my hardest to ignore him, and the situation, but that doesn't stop him from coming over.

"Hey," he says, as I walk up.

I say, hey, but it's barely audible. I clear my throat.

"I didn't expect you to be here." I get the courage to say.

"I signed up for the tournament, and one of our friends has a house. I didn't realize you'd be here at the volleyball tournament. I-"

"It's been three days. It was because of her, wasn't it?"

Don't cry, don't cry. I swallow hard several times. It's difficult not looking in caramel brown eyes, but I can't help it. They were my go to for two years. They were warm, they were home, and now they are cold and distant.

"It's not what you-"

I glance over his shoulder at her and he follows my line of sight. Now that I'm closer I realize I've seen her before. She went to the same gym he did. I saw her there the few times I went with him.

"Be honest, Oliver. Were you cheating on me?"

"I- uh" His eyes dart in every direction except for me. It's blatantly obvious that he was.

"How long?"

He hesitates, brushing his hand over his scruffy face. A flush of deep crimson claws up his neck, and hugs his cheeks. I should have sensed his deception.

"How long?" I ask again, clenching my fists at my side.

"Four months."

"Four fucking months, and you let us drag on?"

I try to lower my voice, but hearing this is making my blood boil.

"I loved you-"


I realize that I'm yelling, but don't care. I can feel the stares on me as the tears begin to fall. I'd wasted the last four months on someone who wasn't faithful.

"Maybe we should talk somewhere-"

"I don't want to talk. I've got all the confirmation I need."

I straighten my shoulders and turn. Anna steps in front of me, blocking me from moving. Glancing up, my entire body calms, at the gentle look in her eyes.

"He's still watching, don't get mad, okay?"

Without another word she takes my face in her hands. I settle into the softness and tilt my head to the right, as her lips crash down onto mine. I gasp at how they feel. It's not like a man's kiss, it's different, soft, and much more passionate. Her tongue gently traces over my lips and I let her in and melt into her. What is happening? She pulls away and leans forward to whisper in my ear.

"He's still watching. There's jealousy in his eyes. Just keep pretending."

I shiver at the feeling of her breath tickling my ear. I may have only just met her, but this doesn't feel like pretending. My heart races in my chest as she pulls me to her mouth again. I'm swept away by her touch. When I pull away her hungry eyes find mine and it almost feels real.

"He's walking away, but keeps looking over his shoulder. You totally stunned him. I'm sorry, was that too forward?"

"Oh. Um. It was okay."

"Good," she smirks. "Come on. Let's not show him that you're bothered."

She connects her hand with mine, our fingers interlace again. Thousands of butterflies fly around in my stomach. I could go on pretending. I glance back over my shoulder, and she's right, he keeps looking back. I turn back towards our team and smile. This is the first time in the last few days I've felt a spark of hope. Maybe Anna's friendship is just what I need to get through this summer.

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