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3 Weeks Later

A hint of fall is in the air. Pat and I have been back on campus for a few weeks now and I'm starting to feel better. We have been so busy welcoming new students and starting classes, it's helped distract me from the hole that is still consuming my heart. It was such a short romance, but it didn't feel that way.

Pat and I are sitting in the heart of central park on a blue and green picnic blanket with his friend Miles. Miles is the guy that Pat told me about. They are taking it slow, and last week had their first kiss. I witnessed it while the three of us were playing Frisbee in this very spot. I was afraid to hang out with them at first, I didn't want to feel like a third wheel, but they never made me feel that way.

"Did you hand in that short story for Professor Lopez?" Miles asks.

Miles is a Creative Writing major too, and is in a few of our classes this semester.

"I haven't even started." Pat tosses a grape into his mouth.

"It's due in two days." I remind him.

He laughs. "I'll work on it tonight. I did the outline at least."

I chuckle. "Pft. You plotters don't know how to live on the edge."

Miles laughs. "Pantser for life!" He holds a hand up and I give him a high five.

I can see why Pat likes Miles. Not only does he have that handsome nerd charm with his black frame glasses and thick head of raven black hair, but he's fun to be around. My phone lights up and I realize it's time for me to head to work on campus.

"I gotta head to the newspaper. I'll catch you guys later."

I grab my red backpack and throw it over my shoulder.

"Do you want me to walk back with you?" Pat asks.

"I think I can manage. You two have fun."

They both stand to give me a hug, then sit back and lean into each other to enjoy this beautiful fall day. I head back to campus to work on the paper. I'm one of the editors and I have a few articles to go through.

I spend a few hours re-checking my edits and reaching out to the writers to let them know the deadline. Time goes by fast and before I realize it's almost seven. I figure I'll head back to the dorms, clean up, then maybe order some food.

My steps echo in the long empty hallway. The tan linoleum floor shines, and the scent of cleaner hangs in the air. I round the corner to find someone sitting at my door. Their head is buried into their knees, but I'd know that body shape anywhere. It's Anna. I don't remember giving her my dorm information, unless Pat did. I'll have to talk to him later. I was doing fine, concentrating on school, instead of love. Now it's being thrown back into my face and I can't stop my heart from pounding in my chest.

Her sad dark eyes stop me in my tracks. She gets to her feet and leans against the black door behind her. She's here waiting for me and as mad as I am all I want to do is take her in my arms and never let go. She looks down at her feet.


"Hi." I echo.

"Can we talk? Please? I figured if I came here maybe you wouldn't make me leave right away."

I'm terrified to find out what she has to say. I'm not sure what I think might hurt more, her confessing to me that things happened with her and Veronica and she regrets it, or that things happened and she and Veronica made up. Would she be here if they made up? The urge to reach out and have her touch me is so strong. I put my hands in my tight jean pockets to curb the desire.

The Summer StormNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ