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I spend the next few days trying to avoid Anna at all costs. I'm not doing it because I'm immature, I just need time for my heart. The weird thing is it's been easy, because I've hardly seen her, and when I do Veronica has all her attention. I had Patrick go in my room to get my things, I wasn't ready to run into her. Pat has been taking me out to dinner, and for the other meals she's been MIA.

It's Tuesday, which means we have Volleyball today. I pass by the room, the door is closed. My heart is aching for her touch, but I have to keep telling myself the whole thing really was fake. There's no other explanation for it. I wondered how many other girlfriends she had waiting for her?

As I start to walk away the door opens and she and Veronica appear. I can't quite read their expressions, but when Anna's eyes meet mine there's a hint of pleading behind them. It doesn't last long, because Veronica takes her by the hand and pulls her away. My body is frozen in place, that stung more than I imagined it would. The tears haven't come yet, but after that encounter and confirmation, they sting behind my eyes. I manage to blink them away once again. I straighten my shoulders as Pat comes from the room we are sharing.

"Hey, thought you already got in the car."

I run a hand through my hair. "Was waiting for you," I say. My voice sounds really weird, and Pat catches it, but doesn't question me.

Anna and Veronica take Veronica's car to the last Volleyball tournament of the summer. We follow behind in Sally's van. Pat never lets go of my hand, and I'm grateful for the comfort. The minute we get out of the car Oliver's eyes meet mine. They pulled up at the same time, and I just happened to step out when he did. Behind me he hears their laughter and his attention goes from me to them, then back to me. There's pity behind those dark eyes. I try to ignore it. Pat helps me by taking my hand and walking with me down the beach.

Volleyball sucks. I'm like Bella from Twilight in gym class on the first day. I've smacked the ball at Sally's head twice, and the other times I stepped aside in fear the ball was heading straight for my head. Of course the last game we play is against Oliver's team. He's watching me, I can feel his skin prickling stare the entire time. It distracts me so much that when a teammate of his passes the ball over the net it comes straight at me and nails me in the gut.

Pat and Oliver both get to me at the same time. Anna doesn't even flinch. I catch sight of her and Veronica chatting while my ex-boyfriend, and my best friend help me to my feet. For a brief second Anna's eyes meet mine, and I can't tell if it's from the impact of the ball, but I swear her eyes are welling with tears.

Back at the house I take some time to myself. I'm a little sore from the game, and the ocean is the perfect way to calm me. I move the beach chair and sit closer to the water, allowing it to rush up at my feet.

"How are you feeling?"

I hate how sincere his voice sounds. It's Oliver. I open my eyes and glance over.

"My stomach is starting to turn a weird color, but I think I'm okay."

He's quiet for a few minutes. He brings his knees to his chest and watches me closely. It's almost like he cares.

"Why aren't you with your new girlfriend?"

"We broke up weeks ago," he says.

"You what?"

"She caught me staring at another woman."

I scoff. "Typical Oliver."

"That woman is you."

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