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I wish I could bask in the high I feel after my date, but my stomach is in knots. I don't think it was from seeing Oliver. I've been up here lying in bed since we got home. I figured slipping into comfortable shorts and a tank, then crawling under the covers would help, but the pain keeps getting worse.

Before I can get remotely comfortable, a wave of nausea hits me. The cramp is so intense that it burns. I make it in time, and empty my stomach into the porcelain bowl before me. The coolness of it makes my heated body feel okay.

It feels like my stomach is a never ending bottomless pit and I'll be clutching the bowl to my chest for days. I groan and rest my head on the tile floor. It's just as refreshing as the bowl. But the urge controls me again. I sit up and empty more of my stomach into the bowl. Come to think of it, the barbecue sauce both going in and coming out did not taste normal.

Over the sounds of my heaves I hadn't realized the door opened. The shock of soft fingers pulling back my hair takes me by surprise. She wraps my hair into a low ponytail, then sneaks her hand under my shirt touching my bare back. She stops for only a moment to grab a wet cloth. She puts it on my forehead as I collapse back into her arms. I'm sweaty, and my breath probably smells like puke, but she doesn't seem to care.

She sits there running her hands through my hair. The light pressure along my scalp causes me to moan lightly.

"I think the barbecue sauce was bad."


My stomach clenches again and this time she helps me lean over. I don't know how long it takes me before I'm feeling confident enough to stand, but eventually she helps me into bed. She slips out of the room, but returns a mere few minutes later with ginger Ale and crackers. The thought of eating makes my stomach hurt even more, but I attempt one cracker at least. The ginger ale feels nice going down.

"This is so embarrassing," I say.

"Nah. You're still beautiful, even sick."

I give her a faint smile. Once again her fingers are back dancing along my scalp and my head. I put the ginger ale on the bedside table along with the crackers and lay into her touch. My stomach still hurts, but for now it feels empty enough to relax.

"I had a nice time tonight," she says.

"I did too." I keep my eyes closed, enjoying the massage she's giving me.

I've never had someone other than my parents take care of me. Last time I was sick Oliver kept his distance. He didn't once visit me and only texted to find out if I was still contagious. That should have been a warning sign right there. I thought he was the one, and there he was running away when I was sick.

"Hey. Your forehead is wrinkling. You only do that when you're thinking about something horrible."

"How do you-"

"I'm more observant than you think."

I sigh and roll over wrapping and arm around her middle.

"Oliver never did this. Take care of me when I was sick, I mean. He'd text me, but it was only to see if I was still contagious or not."

"I would never do something like that. I know what it's like to have food poisoning. I had it a few times during my travels. It sucks not having someone there to be with you."

"Thank you."


She leans down and kisses the top of my head. Relaxation doesn't last long as the cracker and ginger ale slowly re surface. That doesn't scare her away at all. She spends the whole night in the bathroom with me, in the bed, back in the bathroom, and cuddles with me until I pass out. Having that comfort makes everything we are doing worth it. Being with her is pure bliss, and I'm not sure how she feels, but I think I might be slowly falling for her.


I wake after only a few brief hours of sleep. Anna is gone, but just remembering how she was there for me all night puts a smile on my face. By the time I make my way downstairs it's mid-afternoon. Pat is sitting on the porch swing off the left side of the house. I join him.

"Hey, you look like shit."

I shove him, then glance out onto the beach. There's some dark gray clouds rolling in. The waves are a bit more wicked than usual with the summer storm rolling in.

"Not funny."

I find Anna on the beach, she's on a yoga mat doing some kind of pose with her leg. The wind blows her pulled back hair.

"I know that look," he says.

"What look?"

"You like her."


He chuckles. "How fake is this fake relationship?" he asks.

I shrug. "It's fake enough that I think I might have found a friendship that will last a while."

"I thought I was your best friend."

I rest my head on his shoulder and he places his head against mine.

"You are, always."

Pat sighs. We sit there for a few long minutes just staring off at the clouds, the angry water, and Anna.

"You should go for it. I haven't seen your face light up that way since we first met."

"I don't know. Last time I was with a girl, my parents weren't too thrilled."

"It's your life. And if she makes you happy, screw them."

I stare out at Anna. At the way her body twists to make the yoga position work. She's absolutely gorgeous and I'd love nothing more than to exclusively kiss her and only her, but there's still the fake part of this relationship that looms over me.

"I don't know if it's real for her."

"She did spend all night taking care of you, puking," he says.

"I'm not ready to have my heart broken."

He reaches over and pulls me into a hug. "Whatever happens, you know I'm always here."

"I know," I whisper, staring off at Anna again.

Pat and I sit there for a long while, until it begins to rain and Anna runs back over. She tugs us both inside and the three of us prepare dinner together. The best part; I haven't stopped smiling since we started.

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