Chapter 1

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She sat down, seat 34C, by the window, usually her favorite. This time however it felt wrong, it was wrong. Unaware of the people around her trying to get their suitcases in the upperhead compartments she stared out of the window, plotting her great escape out of the aircraft that would bring her to a new world which she unlike her little sister was not excited to get to.

As the plane left the ground tears were streaming down the girls face as she continued looking out the window, seeing her so beloved country become smaller and smaller, she kept thinking of all of her friends and their small but cozy house. The people around her were looking at her parents weirdly, they didnt understand, they never would. The girl was dreading the landing, because once you step foot out of the airplane it would become official, she would no longer live in warm Mexico, but in the cold and grey country we call the Netherlands.

Jade Luc is a 13 year old girl who moved to Mexico for her parents work when she was 8, and now she was moving back to the Netherlands with her parents, her older brother Mike and little sister Bayleigh. Right now she was on a plane that would take her back to her 'old' life in Amsterdam, which she doesnt necasseraly have good memories of, but there is nothing she could do she was to go back to the Netherlands and that was final.

"Jade, honey we are here" She opened her puffy red eyes to see her mom looking down at her with her loving green eyes. Some how she always found comfort in the eyes of her mother, she somehow understood how she felt when nobody else did. During their time in Mexico they really grew closer as a family.

Once everyone was checked in they started walking towards the exit with all of their suitcases, the whole family was there to pick them up. Jade walked over to her brother who smiled at her

"Crazy, the fact that everyone understands what we are saying if we speak in dutch huh" He said pushing the suitcase carrier forward.

"Yeah" was all Jade could get out of herself. Mike looked over at her.

"It will be fine, just put on a smile and dont let them see your pain, they are only excited about the fact that you are back. They don't understand that you don't want to be here or that you don't feel Dutch" He said petting her shoulder Jade nodded, she understood what her brother was saying but somehow coulndt find peace with faking being excited about being the Netherlands when there was nothing she would rather do then jump onto the first plane back to Mexico. But then again she also knew that it is easiest to not have to explain why you feel the way you feel.

Once they were standing infront of the exit doors everyone stopped for a second. They could see their family but their family couldnt see them. Everyone was looking at eachother and together they took a deep breath and put a smile on their faces before walking out. With fear of what was to come.


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