Quotes from other TCK's

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What is a third culture kid in your opinion?

"A third culture in my opinion ion is someone who has moved around-the-clock globe and doesn't feel at home anywhere" 

Do you ever feel like you are different then the kids around you being a third culture kid, if yes how?

"Yes, nobody understands how it's difficult to move around"

"Yes because I identify as being from many countries and I have a very wide range of experiences" 

"Yes, when they treat me differently for not speaking their language as my first language"

"Yes,i have a different way of thinking people dont usually understand what i do because in one country its normal but the other is not,i get confused easily on how to do things and dont feel like i belong."

"Yes, I appreciate cultural diversity more than the friends I have , and I tend to not really adhere to theculture or trends of the country i currently live in"

"Growing up I always felt different from my peers... going into adulthood I still felt different from a lot of people. Some emotions or needs that I have were difficult to explain. The more I started to understand and accept myself, the less I felt the need to be understood by others."

Has it been difficult for you to go back to your 'home' country, and if yes how?

"Yes because everyone expects for you to feel at home but you don't"

"Yes because I've never lived there before so I don't feel like I'm from there"

"no i prefer my home country"

"It will be difficult (I'm moving back to the college in 1 month) because I enjoy being amongst other cultures rather than just one, and if I don't have access to the cultures I'm used to being amongst, or don't see appreciation for those cultures , it hurts me and I find it hard to want to pursue a relationship with those people"

"Yes, it was difficult and also very good. I love my home country, the nature, the people, the language sounds very natural to me (I used to speak it, unfortunately I lost it moving around and back again... I was very young). Being there I certainly feel a part of myself come alive, 'a sense of coming home.' Going back validated my early childhood memories, it was great to be back, confronting also. It can be a struggle, some painful memories returned. I had to deal with all of that, but it was good. Difficult to leave, I still feel homesick sometimes, but really only every now and then. Having ties with other countries and people far away means you always miss something or someone. I used to resist seeing Holland as my home, feeling different and being called different felt like rejection and I always wanted to leave. Untill I started to redefine those emotions and memories"

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