Chapter 3

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Some days are smooth and flowing when it's a pleasure to surrender to the unhurried mood. There is nothing that you can do to confuse you enough to break away the enthusiasm. And then there are days that you feel horrible and stressed, the exact opposite. Jade was having a day like that. When was the last time she had such a feeling? And then she remembered... the same feeling was when she had her first school day in Mexico.

But this time it is different, Jade is back in her 'home country' however it didnt't feel like that. It feels like she isn't the same person anymore like she doesn't fit in. Everything has become different and unfamiliar. Houses, people, cars, canals, different smells, and new foods. "What is closer to me now and what does do i like better? Where is my real home?" Those were just a few questions that were stuck in her mind. Maybe it was just because of the different cultures.

In the meantime, while she was still thinking about this everyone had woken up already and was eating breakfast. Smells were all over the house: bright and invigorating, of citrus and enveloping, of cinnamon and cacao, etc. So Jade felt a little bit better. Coming downstairs, the air was filled with excitement; everyone was happy (and couldn't stop smiling) because of their first day at school/work. Jade didn't relate to this but she didn't want to ruin it for everyone else. So she pretended to be happy, sat quietly, and just stared out of the window.

It's pretty easy to guess who wants to go and who wants to stay home. Jade's sister Bayleigh had packed everything and was dressed cute and then there was Jade who hadn't packed anything at all and was still walking in her pajama's not knowing where to start. Her mom walked in and asked, "honey what's the matter, didn't you sleep well last night?" "you look pale". Jade took a deep breath "I don't feel well and I don't want to go to school" she answered. Her mom looked at her, "Jade you have to go to school no discussion about this". 

 "But mom, ever since we came back from Mexico I don't feel Dutch anymore, I'm afraid that people will make fun of me".  It stayed silent in the room for a few seconds "well don't worry hun everything is going to be fine, I promise".

She quickly swallowed her breakfast and slowly walked upstairs to her room to get ready for school. Jade still couldn't imagine going to a new school again! Where she doesn't know anyone.


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