Chapter 8

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It was the day of the presentation. Jade seemed nervous, even though she loved to talk about Mexico and her life there in general. All she truely wanted was peope to understand how difficult it was, being a third culture kid.

Miss Camps started the class "For todays mentor lesson we will do something different." Jade stood up and stood away from her slighty. "Jade will explain something about Third Culture Kids and her experiences. We want this to be an open school and so this can and should be a learning experience for all. Now before we start I want your full attention since its very brave of Jade to actually give this presentation. Anyone who is not willing to listen, please leave this classroom, and I will have a chat with you later. " Julia stood up, threatning to leave. Her minions followed her as she walked out of the class, only one of her minions, actually stayed.

"Emily, you dont want to hear Jade talk about this now do you?" Julia laughed, walking back and grabbing her. As much as she tried Emily refused to join her and eventually she left. "Such a loser." she said shutting the door behind her. "Now that thats out of the way, Jade you may start." She took a seat in the back of the classroom.

Jade took a deep breath

"As many of you know, I moved to  Mexico when I was roughly 8  years old. Now that I am back in the Netherlands I want to go back to Mexico whenever I can. The main reason is because everyone understood me there, they knew what I was going through and therefore could support me the way  needed to be supported. But I dont believe  alot of people actually know this is more common. I dont typically feel like I belong here but I also never felt fully at home in Mexico. I think the more you stay in a country the more at heart you feel. For me currently it has been hard, here in the Netherlands not alot of people actually understand how challenging it is. I just want to let you all know that even though its difficult we still try but making fun of it etc can make us quite insecure..."

After a while Jade finished talking. It stayed silent for a couple seconds before everyone started clapping, it became so loud that Julia whent back to the classroom to see what had happened.

Suddenly people grew to like Jade, just for knowing what she was experiencing, and they started disliking Julia. Everyone knew Julia picked on Jade for coming from another country but they all now supported Jade and she got to do more speeches and presentations around other international// english speaking schools around the Netherlands to raise awareness about thrid culture kids.

In the end Jade learned that being a TCK was not a bad thing and that it came with many postive things, her worldview was huge, and she had friends all around the globe, she was able to connect with kids from other cultures so much easier then normal kids. Even though it was diffucult sometimes Jade realized that she should not hide away but stand up high and show people that being a TCK was not a bad thing!

After about a year Jade started to feel more and more at home in the Netherlands, however she believed that it would never be her home completely, just like Mexico was never fully her home  either. However she decided that she didnt need one place to be her home. She was from everywhere

The world would be her place to call home

The end


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