Chapter 7

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As Jade rode back she could not help but wander about the other girl. She quickly stopped at the grocery store to pick up a tompouce, to celebrates Bayleigh's grade she got for a speech she had to present. Almost home she saw the girl again, she finally recognized her. It was Julia, who was in the other class. She would always bring up something about her previous life and Mexico in general, and be mean about it. Jade often used to think nothing off it, but now she was driven. Julia is not only more popular and often a bully to almost everyone she meets, but she also took classes at the same boxing hall.

She felt as if the world was being swept away from under her, now that Julia knew she was boxing at her hall she would only start to make fun of her and the fact that she was different because she moved to Mexico. Jade felt so mis understood and alone at that moment, nobody seemed to understand what it was like to move across the world.

Jade ran up to bed, after celebrating.. Mike followed, sensing that something was off with his sister. She has mentioned that she enjoyed boxing but that there was a girl that she didnt like very much. He followed her up the stairs, and took a seat next to her on the bean bag.

"I know its tough, but it will be alright." he said, trying to comfort Jade. "You dont know that! This was a mistake!" Jade screamed, pulling the bedsheets over her head. She knew that her brother understood what she ment with mistake.

"Jade, I know its hard. Maybe you can talk to your mentor about it? That helped me. I gave a persentation about Mexico, and what its like to move back to your home country. It helped more people understand me."

"I will think about it Mike. Im going to get some desert. " Jade said, walking down the stairs drying away her tears. She put a small waffle in the toaster and got out the vanilla ice cream. She placed it on a plate and added some berries on top. Now she could start making her persentation. She started typing. She stayed up all night working on it before heading to bed. 


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