How did Aleena meet Jules?

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  One day, Teen Jules and Charles went to Central Park to skateboard with their friends, and as Jules started to show some of his moves, everyone started to cheer.
Charles: Nice one, bro!
Wolf: That was awesome!
Puppy: So cool, Jules!
Jules: Thanks! Wait until you see what I've got next! This one will take you for a trip... (Bumps into Aleena) (Fells on the floor)
Aleena: Oh, I'm so sorry! Are you alright?
Jules: Woah... (Starts to blush) Totally cool, dude! I mean...dudette! (Gets on his feet) I'm Jules the Hedgehog. What's your name, miss?
Aleena:'s...Sonic. Sorry for pile-driving you. I was just... (Realize something) Wait! The flicky! You haven't happened to see a flicky fly by, did you?
Jules: Uh? I don't think so. You know I could help you look for it.
Aleena: Oh! I wouldn't want you to pull yourself away from...
Jules: Don't worry about it! I like helping others! (Grabs Aleena's hand) Let's go find that little birdie! Hey, Charles, I'll be right back!
Charles: Okay!
Jules: (Feels how tight Aleena's hands are.) Wow, Sonic, you are strong. I like strong woman.
Aleena: (Blushes) Oh, thank you.
  After they have found the flicky, Jules and Charles became a member of Aleena's Freedom Fighters. After the war with Robotnik, Jules and Aleena started to date and began a family with three baby hedgehogs.

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