Chapter 4. "Found you doll.."

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My whole body seized up. I feel like an elephant is sitting on my chest. I dashed to the door that was about 5 feet away from me, I ran into and slammed the door, then locked it. It led into an abandoned building. I ran through the old furniture and behind an old office desk. ...for a moment everything was silent..peaceful. SLAM. I felt the door slam onto the concrete floor, accompanied by a flash of green light. I heard him step into the building, and walk around. "I know you're here, doll, why are you hiding from me?"  Why wont he just leave me the fuck alone..i grabbed the pocket knife and held to for protection. "Come out doll, I won't hurt you. I would Never hurt you." Does this psycho think I will actually listen to him? I ran behind another desk once he started to get closer. I need to get out of this building as soon as possible. I looked and saw a small hole in the wall I could fit through. It would lead to outside. I crawl towards it and manage to get my arms and torso through. "Found you doll.." i felt him grab my ankles, so i kicked my legs around and managed to get through the hole
I dashed out into the public street and crossed the road. I could feel people's eyes on me. I looked around and realized where I was. I was in a bad area a bit past downtown. I know how to get to U.A. From here...but it's far. I shoved the pocket knife into my hoodie pocket and walked into a crowd. He still hasn't fully seen what I was wearing so that helps. I walked down into a public subway, and I managed to get onto the bus without paying. I had to survive 20 minutes on the subway before I got there. I looked around, this is the first time I have been around anybody besides him in months..I'm pretty sure i lost him for now.

-20 minutes later-

I got off the bus, trying to hide my face from anybody who could be around. I looked at the wall of the subway. It had a poster of me on it... "missing person". I'm not missing anymore though. I ripped down the paper. I didn't need random people looking at my face. I stuffed it in my pocket. I walked up the stairs and was now on the surface level. I only had a block till I reached U.A. I dashed. Down to the street. There weren't as many crowds here. Finally I stood in front of the U.A. gates. I opened them with the code I knew. Suddenly I felt a horrible sharp pain cut across my side. I realized I wasn't alone. I dashed into the U.A. Dorm building...I faced all the people in the common room, then I collapsed to the floor.

It was all black.

I felt like I was floating..

I saw something in the distance walk up to me..

It was him.

He gently put a hand on my face.

"Wake up doll."

Hellish love.. (villain deku x reader)Where stories live. Discover now