[5] kissing lessons and pink cheeks

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after taehyung calmed down and had been looking at jungkook for some time he just came to one conclusion, and that was

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after taehyung calmed down and had been looking at jungkook for some time he just came to one conclusion, and that was."you're lying."

jungkook chuckled "i'm not lying taehyung, do i need to kiss you to prove it?" he smirked and at that taehyung was back to coughing like crazy and he's face was so red he could be mistaken for giant tomato. a small gay panic. key word, small.

"no i'm kidding but yes, maybe it comes as a surprise but yes i do like myself some dick and ass." he said maybe a little bit true proud.

"well not that i can relate but same i guess." taehyung said pretty quiet. then he exploded, "aahhh i just want to have some experience too, no one want my virgin inexperienced ass."

jungkook didn't say anything for like a minute before coming with the great idea he thought of himself, "do you want me to be your first kiss?"

taehyung's small gay panics, weren't small anymore. jungkook really knew how to make him get flustered, "don't joke about that, i'm actually a sad homosexual sitting here."

"i'm not kidding." jungkook looked taehyung right in his eyes, small sparkes lived in his eyes taehyung really thought was pretty, and the mole under his lower lip was tempting.

"look you don't have to say yes-"

"yes jungkook, but please i've never done it before and i'm kind of nervous and i will probably suck-" taehyung rambled on and on while jungkook looked at the boy softly.

"it's okay tae, lay down and relax" and taehyung did. he slowly said his back on the bed while his head hit the pillow softly. he took a deep breath and licked his lips looking out the window beside him. the sun was soon setting and the clouds were a soft shade of pink and yellow and honestly this couldn't be more of a perfect moment to be kissed. just sad that it wasn't with someone he was in a relationship with.

jungkook shifted and laid his body beside the nervous boy and untangled some strands of his hair whispering "okay?" and taehyung nodded while he closed his eyes.

jungkook smiled and noticed how his lips were closed so he brought up his hand to taehyung's face and his thumb touched the blondes bottom lip and taehyung parted his lip a bit for jungkook to have better access.

now taehyung felt a light pressure on his bottom lip as jungkook fitted his lips in between his and captured them right in a sweet and short kiss. before taehyung could really analyze what happened the pressure was gone and his lips were lonely again.

taehyung opened his eyes and saw jungkook smiling down at him. "not so bad now."

"that was interesting," taehyung fumbled with his hands and couldn't take his eyes off jungkook's lips that was a bit pink by now. "can i try now?"

the answer being yes, now taehyung led jungkook down to him and planted a kiss right on top of his mouth, it was a bit clumsy but jungkook then leaded him and made sure not their noses were clashing. jungkook grabbed the others cheek and stroked his thumb softly over the others jaw and taehyung being awkward with his hands jungkook guided him them around his neck.

their lips fitted perfectly and it all happened so fast but it still felt really good. both of their eyes glowing due to the beautiful sunset light outside, skin golden and lips tinted pink.

the kiss was now over when taehyung didn't have enough air and pulled away. "woah."

"did you like it?" the answer was kind of self explained when taehyung had sparkles in his eyes and exclaimed, "you have to teach me more. "

"i mean if you want to, you don't have to but i liked that kiss," he blushed deeply and couldn't shut that mouth of his- "i liked having you as my first kiss."

smiles were shared between them and the atmosphere was like when twelve year olds had their first quick peck on the cheek.

"what do you wanna learn?"

"everything." jungkook chocked on his own spit and looked at taehyung with knowing eyes, "well i could teach you every kind of kiss if you want me to tae, it was nice kissing you." then he winked.

taehyung felt butterflies in his upper stomach and a smile growing on his lips. "jungkook the kissing teacher" he giggled.

"taehyung the kissing student."


all five jeon's and kim's now sat at the dinner table eating the dinner taerin and hana prepared for the three sons. lots of side dishes and it all was so delicious.

"so what did you guys do today?" hana asked the two oldest sons by the table. they shared a quick glance at each other and taehyung answered, "oh you know, just homework."

"yeah lots of homework, taehyung is really good at school but even i can teach him some things too." he said very knowingly with teasing eyes as the rest of the table stayed unaware of the things that happened between the two boys behind that door of taehyung's.

"taerin it was so great to visit your beautiful home, next time come over to me and jungkook to have lunch sometime." the two mothers agreed at the thought of the good idea.

they all helped with undoing the table and soon it was time for hana and jungkook to take their leave.

taehyung's mind was all filled with the kiss which happened earlier when he looked at jungkook talking to his mother saying thank you for the food and stuff. what would making out feel with ju- get it together taehyung.

the both jeon's now left and all the members of the kim family agreed on being lazy now and watching a movie together and the. go to bed, it was school and work night after all.


hii! how are you darlings? <3

thank you for reading this chapter, it's rushed but i just can't wait hsjshs so might be too fast for someone's liking.

thank you for over 200 reads and 80+ votes !! i'm so thankful and i'm so happy that i got so many new followers lately! puts a smile to my face every day.

it's christmas eve today and i hope everyone celebrating has a really merry christmas and to those who don't i wish you an amazing day as usual. <3

fighting for my dear life that my cold will be over till tomorrow lol,
see you in next chap!!!

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