Evershall/Skase Beginning

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 "Ow!," Chase yelped as he got whipped

"Chase are you ok?," asked Marshall

"I'm fine"

"GET TO WORK!!!," yelled their master

"Chase," Marshall said "I have a plan, we can run away tonight, so we won't get whipped again"

"And risked getting the worst beating of our lives?"

"Would you rather be worked to death?"

"You're right"

"But we are puppies; where are we supposed to go?"

"Anywhere but here"

"Ok, let's go," Chase said as they ran off.

They continued that way until they thought they were far enough away; and decided to stop for the night. But Chase thought otherwise

"Marshal, let's hitchhike!" said Chase, suddenly excited.

Marshal side eyed him "No," he said, :what if we end up in the master's car?

"We won't, I'll make sure of it, so just sit there and look cute; it works like a charm."

Soon enough, a car stopped by; and a boy stepped out.

"Hi, my name is Ryder, what are your names?" said the boy

"I'm Chase, and this is Marshal Ryder sir!"

"Nice to meet you" Said Ryder climbing back in and motioning for them to follow.

"Your such cute pups" he said "where is your home?"

Marshall and Chase frowned, "Don't take us back please!!! We beg you!"

"I won't; I promise" said Ryder, can you tell me your back story? If it's okay with you"

"It all started when my mother died after taking Marshall in..." he began and told the story

"Wow, is that why you have so many scars?"

"Yes" said Marshall

"I'm creating a team of pups to help a town called adventure bay, do you want to be a part of it?"

"Yes!" they both said, getting excited.

eight hours later; they arrived.

"Pups, wake up"

"What?" they both said.

"We're here," he said "Welcome to the all new Paw patrol tower!"

"Woah" they said awestruck

"Where do we stay?" asked Chase

"You guys will stay in your pup houses, and if it is too old there are pup beds inside"

"Thank you Ryder sir!" said Chase

"Don't thank me, I should thank you for what you will do in the future"

"What do you mean?" asked Marshall

"I mean after training"

"For what?" asked Marshall

"For this," he said as he showed them their pup tags, uniforms and cars.

"I'm going to be a Police dog?" asked Chase

"And I'm a Firepup!" said Marshall

"Not yet, there is a lot of training to go through to accomplish this" said Ryder "starting with the basics"

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