Part one

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Lara POV

20 years.... 20 years of war, we Anthros have been fighting the humans for 20 long years now and we won so many battles. But now not one sighting has been reported of any human activity for 5 long years. Some believe that humanity is extinct now, while many believe that there still out there.

I was currently with my squad in our dormitory watching the news about pro human life pro-test. These Anthros wants peace with humans and to live among them, while others believe that humans are a blight and should be killed off completely.

News reporter 1: As you can see the protesters are at it again, claiming that this war is unjust and wrong. How foolish they are, humans are our enemies and must be hunted down like the monsters they are!

News reporter 2: But with the Empress signing the pro human rehabilitation act humans are allow to have equal rights and are to be preserved. Besides what was this war really about?

NR1: Humanity extinction of course!

I then turned off the holo-vision and turned to my team.

Lara: Come on girls, we got work to do, the General what's to see use in the briefing room in 10 minutes so let's get a move on.

Lidia: Sure thing Lara!

Lidia said as me, Dasha, Nika, Amethyst, Lupa, Lidia, Krystal and Loona was curretly heading to the mission ready room where General Nataliya Storm-Bear was waiting for us. After a 20 minute walk we arrived and the General was talking to a Female Anthro who just so happens to be a big news figure, Zoe Fugimoko.

 After a 20 minute walk we arrived and the General was talking to a Female Anthro who just so happens to be a big news figure, Zoe Fugimoko

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Zoe Fugimoko

age 26

Height 7'7

Nataliya: Are you crazy? You want me to let you, a civilian to go on a very dangerous mission with my top best squad to the waste lands?

Zoe just stood there with a grin and nodded

Zoe: Of course, after all there have not been any sightings of any humans at all for five years now. Many of the Anthro people believe that they have gone extinct, they last sightings of any human activity was at the battle of bear valley which no humans of that battle surrender, they were either killed in action or took there own lives to avoid capture, which was five years ago.

Nataliya: I know that, I was there..... *sighs* fine, but i want you to have some protective armor and listen to what my squad tells you, got it?

Zoe: Of course, I promise you that I'll do as asked.

Nataliya: Good, now I must began breifing my squad on their mission. After that head down to  the armory to get yourself some armor.

Zoe nods then the General then turns to us as we then saluted her and she saluted us back.

Nataliya: Alright team, listen up. Here is your mission, your mission is to go into the waste lands and find a suitable location for an outpost so that we may have a better chance in find any remaining humans and began to presever them as we try to populate their numbers.

Lupa: Uh.... General, how do we even know the humans are still out there?

Lupa said as Natailya looked at her.

Natailya: We don't, that's why your mission to find a outpost location is crucial. But we do have a few files of the humans working on some type of underground facilities at the time before they used the nukes to stop our advance. Did they complete these facilities? We don't know, if there are humans out there then need to establish peaceful contact with the humans and do negotiations with them.

Lara: How do we know if they even want to talk, for all we know they could just shoot us on sight.

Nataliya: That is a possability, but we must try. Gear up squad, your heading out in ten minutes.

else where

4 hours later

3rd pov

In the waste lands we see a young soldier wandering one of the irradiated cities of the waste lands he was walking to an old abandon building was slightly distroyed but still in good condition, he was not any soldier though, he was a mutant slayer. He get payed well for ever mutant tongue he brings in. But before he could enter the building he hear what sounded like a dropship, he quickly hid from view, and saw the dropship. It was a Anthro dropship and it landed three blocks down from him, the Anthros came out of the dropship they all had what looked like advance power armor that you see in video games or sci fi movies. They then stared to walk into one of the buildings, after the dropship left, the young soldier decided to follow them to see what they were up to.

Ok, chapter done. Sorry for the long over do update, I had for got this book was even here....... but here is the update i hope you all enjoyed it.

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