Part 5.1 (small edited)

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??? POV

Currently making my way down the metro tunnel killing some lesser mutants, I needed to get to command and tell them of the situation of the Alroada metro about the Anthros. If the anthros are here in the wastelands then it's only a matter of time before we're deployed for war.... but what I don't get is why were they helping me killing that windigo? And why were they trying to help the people of Alroada metro? No it's all a ruse.

I was broken out of my thoughts when I heard crying, it sounded like a child's cry. I went to investigate walking over to the tunnel's subsection one that lead to the surface I then saw corpses of mutants that were fresh kills.

Carefully walking up on the iced over stairs so no accident will happen I eventually made it to the surface level and saw the winter sun shining down on a dead city. I saw a sign that was mostly iced over but I can still see what it says, courthouse to the east, I began to make my way there but the land scape of the city makes it hard to get to one place. After I started to make my way to court house from the metro station.

I began to wonder why the anthros are here...

I was brought out of my thoughts by a loud roar not far off to our left. But the sound of the roar it's an Dire Bear... and alpha one.

I ran into a nearby building to hide myself from the mutant, I can kill it but not when I low on ammo.

After I got up to the third floor of a library, I saw and the main area of the library that had a fireplace so we can be warm til the bear moves on. I began to gather to some wood from the nearby pile of fire wood and started up the fire place. I hope the bear doesn't grow a few brain cells and noticed that I'm here.

Krystal pov

Arriving at the main metro tunnel and seeing the old tunnel still holding strong after all this time of abandonment and nuclear destruction is pretty impressive in its own right I suppose. Looking around me and my team can see so much dry blood everywhere with dead bodies of mutants and eaten mutilated bodies of decaying human bodies. It was an awe full sight, then we came cross a control station that still had power running through it. Lara went over to the controls and began to activate the lights of the metro, the lights came on and burn the darkness away.

Lara: Well, that will make navigating through here a lot easier.

Lara said as she turned to the rest of us, Nika walked over to one of the dead mutant bodies and sighed

Nika: With all the mutants we done see so far, I hope we don't run into any more of em at all. That and I'm glad Zoe isn't here I hate to see a civilian get killed out here in this frozen hell.

Lidia: I agree, My fur is still standing up from those ghoul things....

Lidia said much to Loona's displeasure

Loona: Ugh! Please don't remind me about those things. They smelled fucking awful!

Loona said with a scowl on her face.

Dasha then spoked up as she pointed to one of the Monitors

Dasha: Girls, I think you might want to take a look at this.

We all then went over to the monitor and saw what looked like an war zone between two large human groups.

Krystal: What are they doing? Aren't they one the same side?

Lupa: Maybe not, I did over heard one of the human guards talking about two other factions then the Slayer Korps. One is the Red Army or the communist regime, and the other is the Nazi Reik.

Amethyst: So there's more going on here huh.

Lara: It would seem so, for now lest keep moving, we're on a tight schedule as it is already. This area can be a check point so let's get back to the metro base.

We all nodded and began to make our way back home.

Ok, I'm a make it two part for this chapter as I'm a bit stuck on one part and my job has me working hard so I Decided to post this part then post the next part when it's  complete.

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