Part 4

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3rd pov

After mutant raid the metro was still in a up roar, the humans wanted to be left alone by the anthros seeing how they are nothing but murders and child killers. The anthros or some of them anyway wanted humans to be understanding and try to cooperate so that peace may be possible the other half just wanted to kill humans off completely.

Carl: NO! Your kind has done enough damage to humanity already! Why would we believe your lies animal!

Lara who was trying to negotiate with the humans of this metro was not having a good time. The more wounded humans and the badly mutilated corpses of humans that was coming in for burial, she could see just how bad humans lives now. It didn't make it any better when she saw some mothers and fathers grieving for their lost children, it made felt very sick to her stomach like she just wanted to throw up.

Carl the human leader of this metro only wanted to keep his people safe but not wanting to trust the Murderous Anthros. He had only about 238 humans left in his metro and with the growing attacks from the mutants he didn't have much of a choice though.....

Lara: Look I know things aren't very good between our kinds but we're at least trying.

Lara said as she was try to assure Carl of that nothing bad will happen to him or his people.

Lara: Like I said, there are a few camps set up for humans to be integrated into Anthro Society, and we can live among each other.

Carl still not trusting the Anthro woman just look at her with a disgusted look

Carl: Really? Live among you Anthros? Like what? Slaves? To be used as servants to your will? And these camps, are they really what you say they are? And not death camps?

Lara: No! Non of that will happen and no the camps are not death camps. The empress personally saw the construction of the camps. Once humans are integrated into society humans will be treated as equals.

Carl: Oh really now? And let me guess you speak for all anthros about that?

Lara was about to say something else but she couldn't, she knew what Carl was getting at. She knew that their will be Anthros who will try their best to put humans down and treat them like second class people. Even if there are law that enforces human equal rights, and some of the law enforcers will not enforce this law.

Lara: .......... I don't, but we can at least try.

Carl only let out a loud irritated sigh then looked back at Lara.

Carl: Very well, BUT! I want to speak with your commanding officer.

Lara: that can be a-raged, we just need to send word to the general.

Carl: Fine...... but tread carefully Anthro, a number of my people will jump at the opportunity to kill you and your fellows. I'll have my guards to escort you back to the entrance of the metro.

With that Carl left his office to do what he needed to do, as for Lara she got up and with Zoe the media woman who's camera drone was still playing live feed to the public left out of the office with an escort of 6 guards while walking to the entrance both Lara and Zoe heard a human child crying for his mother to awake up but she never did. The boy's crys only got louder and Lara wonder why would the old leaders do all this?

At the entrance Lara saw her squad who was standing there looking at the humans guards who was also standing there but they looked like they were ready for a fire just incase.

Loona: So what now?

Loona said with an irritated look on her face Lara looked at her and sighed.

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