Part 3

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3rd pov

One weeks later

After the incident with the strange looking mutant humans Alpha team was getting the old fire house a good look threw. They called home base for a team of builders and 5 whole squads to come and fix up the place. Lara the team leader was in the main office with the opponent C.O., Colonel Clover Whiskers.

, Colonel Clover Whiskers

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Chloe Whiskers

Age 33

Height 7'8

Chloe was across from the team she was standing in front of a holo board that showed a map displaying the city and some of the surrounding areas.

Chloe: Ok team listen up, our drones manage to map out the city. One of our drones however did not come back. The last thing it recorded was this.

Chloe said as she then played the recording from the drone.


The recording showed an old metro tunnel a very dark one, and soon sounds of gunfire was heard along with yelling and cry's for help.

The drone move to the source by going into an open vent, soon from the vent it was in it recorded a group of 12 humans firing and shooting a large horde of four legged mutants. The humans however was being over run soon one of the humans the leader of the 12 yelled out.

Leader: We must hold them off until the metro is evacuated! Don't let the bastards through!

Human 2: They just keep coming!

Human 5: Just keep firing damn it!

Soon though the humans were over run and the mutants began to eat them alive as the other mutants of the horde broke through and soon sounds of screaming, yelling and more gunfire could be heard along with the sounds of flesh being ripped apart and blood curling mutant roars.

The team was on edged..... they honestly didn't know what to feel or think.

Chloe: This metro is just 10 miles from here, we found the metro entrance so I want you girls to take a pelican with 5 other soldiers and go check for survivors. If you fine any survivors I want them alive, the empress has order for all humans to be taken in alive so they can be integrated into our society, this will take time I will admit.

Dasha: Do we really have to save their furless asses?

Dasha asked in a annoyed tone, Chloe gave her a you will do it like it or not look and Dasha just shut up.

Chloe: Lt. Storm-Bear if I were you, I would follow orders. What we did to the humans is unforgivable and to make amends for our sins is by helping them.

Loona: You sure they will even trust us? After everything we did to them? I fine it hard to believe that even one human would be willing to trust us.

Loona said as she looked down at a locket that was around her neck, it once belong to a human soldier who had once saved her life from a full on war zone. The human soldier got her to Anthro force but instead of thank the human the Anthro soldiers just kill him without a second thought.

Lone Wolf (Furry harem x male human reader)Where stories live. Discover now