Part 5.2

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Dasha pov

After we called in to let Colonel Chloe know of our findings, and she is working on getting the metro station we found up and running to be an outpost. I don't know why mom and some of the others want these no furs to continue to live and want peace with them. They only fight each other for the stupidest of reasons and plus their weak, not strong like us Anthros.

I was broken out of my thoughts when Lara decided for us to head back to base.

Lara: Alright, let's head back. We scouted as far as we can for now.

Lidia: The sooner we get back the better, these old metros gives me the creeps.

Lidia said as she shivered a little

Loona: Well it be nice to get some rest and something to eat.

Lupa: Yeah well, it be nice to get a nice hot shower. The cold is starting to get to my fur.

Lupa said as she rubbed her left hand on her right arm.

Amethyst: I really don't understand.... How can the humans live like this? I can't help but feel pity for them.

Amethyst said as she look sad. Why would anyone pity these furless apes? There weak, small, cowardly savages that do nothing but kill anyone. I really don't understand why the empress and my mother wants to befriend humans so much. Huh whatever it's not like they can be of any good anyway.

Lara: This is what our foolish leaders did, what was the whole point of the Anthro-Human war in the first place? Genocide?

Lara said with a scowl on her face, we turn left of the to the entrance of the metro station and exit to the outside, then Zoe spoked up.

Zoe: The Empress' father Emperor Pavu Hokijo gave the order to kill off all humans, well that's the rumor anyway.

Nika: A rumor? Why a rumor?

Lupa: It's been reported that the Emperor Pavu was not in control of his mind. So when the Empress took over she order the deaths of all of her father's trusted advisors. Then she order for this war to end and for humans to be treated like equals.

Dasha: Wasn't she reported missing years back? She was missing for about 7 years then she came back. But where she went off to no one knows.

We were all brought out of our thoughts when we heard a door shut from our far left we say a human or rather the "Slayer" from earlier.

Krystal: Hey, that's the human from earlier.

Lara: Let's track em and see if we can get the drop on him. Remember, we capture him alive. Got it.

We all nodded then Lara nodded back we then began to track the two for a bit, jumping over the old ruined roads sunk into the ground and old vehicles. Soon we hear a roar from a small distance away from the sound it sounded like it was headed this way, he ran into a building to get out of the cold. The building looked like an old library. We waited a bit then we walked over to the entrance of the library and entered it quietly.

As we slowly made our way into the library we saw him in the main area next to a large fireplace trying to keep warm. Lara then whisper to us.

Lara: Alright here's the plan, we surround them and try to get the Slayer to come with us through peaceful negotiation. If that doesn't work then Nika you knock him out ok.

Nika: Got it.

Lara: Right let's move and be very quiet.

We then moved to the two in different direction to surround him.

Loona pov

We moved up some more till we were in a good position then I spoke up.

Loona: Hands up Human! Your surrounded!

We all aimed our guns at the human when he entered a battle stance.

Slayer: You... your the anthros from the metro from earlier.... What do you want?

Lara: Look! We don't want to harm or kill you. Please just stand down, we have orders to capture and keep all humans safe. Our Empress has signed the pro human rehabilitation act bill. Which allows all humans to live among Anthros and to be treated as equals. Please just give us the benefit of the doubt.

Lara said as the slayer didn't say anything for a while then we heard something behind us what ever it is, it's large.

Slayer: ...... Ladies.... Don't move a muscle if you want to live.

The slayer said and a grave tone that actually but chills on our spines.

Slayer: Walk slowly to me, lower your weapons and don't panic.

Dasha: You expect us to trust you no fur?

Slayer: If you want to live, then yes.

The slayer said as he didn't take his eyes off of what ever is behind us. If we want him to trust us then we have to trust him.

Loona: Alright, will do as you say.

Just what is behind us.......

Lone Wolf (Furry harem x male human reader)Where stories live. Discover now