Chapter 1

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(A/N: Okay, so since the next chapter of the dragons of UA is proving to be very hard to write in more ways than one, I decided to post something new! And since it's my birthday, I though 'why not post something involving a birthday' so that's what I am doing. I hope you enjoy!)

A woman covered in a cloak was running through the streets, rain pouring down. In her arms was a small baby boy. All that could be seen of her was a single golden, glowing eye and her sharpened teeth.

The baby in her arms was wrapped in a warm blanket and smiled at the woman and reached out for her from her arms. She looked down at the baby and she smiled at him as she also began to cry.

The woman stopped when she found the house she was looking for. She walked up to the front door and looked down at the baby. "I'm sorry but this is to keep you safe." She kissed the boy on his forehead and set him down in front of the door and rang the doorbell.

She quickly ran away into the night. After a minute, a woman opened the door and saw the little baby boy on her doorstep. "What? What are you doing here?" She bent down and picked him up. When she did, a small envelope fell from him. Picking that up too, she brought the baby inside and looked at the envelope. She called her husband into the room. "Dear, come here. There is something you need to see."

He came in and looked at her. "Yeah honey? What is it?"

"Someone left a baby on our doorstep. They also left an envelope."

"Well what does it say?"

The woman opened the envelope and took out the paper inside.

"I'm sorry if this seems sudden but I left my child on your doorstep for his safety. Please, I know you can't have children and I want someone who will raise him right. When he turns eighteen, let him read this letter and give him what else I left in the envelope. Please, all I want is for my child to live a safe and happy life."

The letter ended there and the woman was speechless. The man didn't know what to say either. The woman looked at her husband and asked, "what do we do?"

He mulled over it for a couple seconds before responding. "*sigh Well, I think we should keep him. The woman in the note sounded desperate for him to have a good home and she's right, we can't have kids even though we want them."

"Yeah... you're right." The baby begins to cry and the woman picks him up in her arms. "Shh, it's okay." After she said that, the baby quieted down. "What should we name him?"

"Was there something in the note?" The woman shook her head. "What about that thing the note mentioned?"

The woman looked at the envelope and pulled out a locket. Inscribed on the back was one word. "Laidon." Immediately the baby began to smile and coo.

"Sounds like he likes it," the man said, smiling at the image of his wife holding their new son.

The woman began to laugh. "Laidon. Do you like that name? Well Laidon, I guess you're a part of the family now."


Laidon POV

"Laidon! Time for school!"

I began to wake up and looked at my calendar. When I saw what day it was, I hurried out of bed and got ready. When I got down stairs, I saw my mom making breakfast.

"Morning mom," I said as I walked in rubbing my eyes awake.

"Morning Laidon. Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah. I had that weird dream again. You know, the one where this woman is carrying me through the rain and all I can see is her sharp pointed teeth and a slitted eye like mine are, but the other eye is covered by a cloak she's wearing."

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