Chapter 3

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Today was the big move-in to the UA dorms. The moving truck already came and got my stuff. Now, I was trying to say goodbye to my parents... but they were making it hard since mom wouldn't let me go. Like, she physically wouldn't let me go from the hug.

"My baby boy!"


"Honey, let the boy go."

Mom slowly and reluctantly let me go. "Don't worry mom. I'll come visit when I can, okay?"

"*sniff Okay."

I smiled at them and gave them one last hug before I walked to the train station to go to UA. When I got there, my smile immediately vanished since I came face to face to Monoma. "Ugh, what are you doing here, villain?"

"Going to UA. What are you doing?" I asked, ignoring his comment.

"Ha, UA? Like they would ever let a villain such as yourself in!"

"Actually, I scored second in the practical exam and I'm in 1-A. Ryukyu herself told me."

"Tch, that half baked hero? She barely counts as a hero. It's a wonder who she bribed to be in the top ten, let alone the UA staff."

His comments began to get to me. "Ryukyu is one of the greatest heroes. She's someone who can inspire hope in people. Inspire dreams."

"Of course a villain such as yourself would protect one of your own kind!"

I was about to retort but I didn't. I realized what he was doing. "You know, I think you're just jealous."

"What? Jealous of you? Ha! Like I'd be jealous of a villain like you!"

The train arrived and I just got on with a smile on my face. Monoma just sat away from me the whole ride so it was nice and peaceful.

The ride was quick and I managed to get caught up on the latest hero news. When the doors opened, I ran out of the station and all the way to UA.

When I got there, the gates were open and I walked in and wandered the grounds looking for my dorm. I looked at everything in awe until I saw it. A five story building with a giant 1-A on top of it.

When I walked in, I had a big smile on my face. Then I heard screaming. "FUCK YOU, FOUR EYES! I'LL SIT HOW I FUCKING WANT!" I looked over and saw that ash blonde kid from the day of the exams yelling at the blue haired kid from the exam explanation.

I ignored... that whole thing and looked around and saw Ryushi was here. I went up to her with a big smile. "Hey Ryushi. It's nice to see that you made it in."


"I do hope we can be friends though."


"Really? Awesome. This is already way better than my last school!"

She looked at me curiously. "Why?"

"Uh, don't worry about that. I uh, I should go unpack. Talk to you later!" I ran off to go find my room and unpack.

Ryushi POV

I watched Laidon run off, confused and wondering what happened at his old school. I decided to not think about it and continued on my way to make some food.

After I was done eating, I saw a short guy with purple hair drooling over the girls. I took that as my cue to leave. I went upstairs to my room to finish setting it up.

As I was walking through the halls, I passed by Laidon's room where I heard him talking about something but I couldn't hear what. I shrugged it off and continued on my way and sat on my bed in thought of what I wanted to do.

Laidon POV

"Okay this goes here. And this here. Oh and this has to go here." I was talking to myself as I was setting up my room. Everything was going great. I heard a knock at my door and when I answered it, I saw a pink girl with little brown horns there. "Hello new person. Can I help you?"

"Hey, so a bunch of us are gathering in the common area to do some introductions. I was going around and seeing who all wanted to come!"

I was excited at the idea of getting to meet some of my classmates and maybe even come closer to finding my sister. I nodded and went downstairs to see a few others already there. Some of them I even recognized.  

I sat down and looked over and saw Midoriya there. "Oh, hey Midoriya."

"O-h, h-hi L-Laidon.  Wh-what's new with you?" She looked away from me as a blush came to her face.

"I'm good. Nothing new besides UA. How did your exam go?"

"U-uh... I uh, I b-broke both m-my legs and my a-arm. I-I got zero v-villain points at a-all."

"Wow, both of your legs and your arm? Are you okay?" I asked, worried about the thought of even doing that.

"I-I'm fine now. Recovery girl h-healed me up."

I sighed in relief. "Okay, good. How did you break that stuff anyways?"

"U-uh, my quirk is... um... a little... i-it has a big d-drawback."

"Wow, that bad of a drawback? It sounds like you need to kick back on the power by a lot. Like, maybe, just hold in a small percent rather than the max or something? I'm not the greatest at explaining things sometimes but do you get what I'm saying?"

She nodded a bit, thinking to herself. "Yeah... yeah that could actually really work. I hadn't thought about that before. Oh, but what if... *mutter mutter mutter." She went off and began to mutter to herself.

'Huh, that's really adorable. Wait, why am I thinking that? Eh, doesn't matter, it's probably nothing.' I sat there, eyes closed and leaning back, waiting for everyone to arrive as Izumi muttered to herself about different ideas about her quirk.

"Okay, everyone is here, so let's begin!" I was brought back to the real world by the pink haired girl. "I'm Mina Ashdod and my quirk is called acid. My body can secret this acidic substance and I can control the acidity of it as well. I like dancing!" She sat down and an invisible girl stood up next to her.

It went on as the next person went as we went down the line. I noticed that Ryushi sat down next to me and it was her turn. "R-Ryushi. Dragon. Dragons."

Everyone looked at her confused as she sat down. "She doesn't talk very much," I said as I stood up. "She's Ryushi and her quirk is called dragon. She likes dragons as well. My name is Laidon Nagura and I have a dragon quirk as well. I can grow scales all over my body and have them pointed out for offense or flattened for defense. I also like dragons!" I smiled at them as I sat down.

Before Izumi could go, Mina spoke up. "Hey, are you two related?"

I looked over at Ryushi and shook my head. "No, why?"

"Well, you just kinda give that vibe, you know? You also both look similar," Hagakura said.

"Really?" I looked over at Ryushi. "I don't see it."

Izumi stood up. "H-hello, I'm I-Izumi Midoriya. My quirk i-is called super power. It uh let's me b-become super strong but it a-also breaks my bones. I-I like A-All Might and learning a-about quirks."

After everyone was introduced, we all sat in the common room. We all started to get to know each other better. It was really cool that two of the people from my fake city from the exam were in my class though. I have a feeling that this is gonna be a great year!

(A/N: I hope you enjoyed!)

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