Chapter 5

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Laidon POV

I was so excited! Today was the first day of heroics! Everyone was sitting in class, talking about who our teacher would be. All of a sudden, the door bursts open and All Might comes in in a... strange pose. "I am... COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!"

Behind him, Ryukyu walks past with her usual stoicism. "All Might, there is nothing normal about what you are doing."

"Ahem, anyways." All Might walks up to the podium in the front of the room. "Today, young heroes, is your first step to truly becoming heroes! You may think of this class as heroing 101. And to assist me in molding you into the heroes of tomorrow, is Ryukyu."

"Good evening, everyone. I hope you are all prepared for a tough but beneficial day." I raised my hand high in the air. "Yes, Mr Nagura. You have a question?"

"Yes ma'am. I was wondering if you were going to be in all of our heroics classes?"

She smiled at me. "Hm, a good question. Yes, I shall be here, helping teach all of you. However, All Might here won't be able to attend every class. As such, Mr Aizawa will fill in on such occasions. Any other questions?" She looked around the room and no one raised their hand. "Alright then. All Might, you have the floor."

"Okay, today, all of you will be doing... THIS!" He pulled out a card that said 'battle training' on it. "BATTLE TRAINING! And what is a hero without their costume!" He pulled out a small remote and pressed a button on it as a bunch of cases with different numbers came out of the wall. "Now, change into your costumes and meet me at ground Gamma!" He quickly ran out the door with Ryukyu walking out as well.

No one POV

After everyone was changed and waiting, they began to talk amongst themselves. Ryushi stood off, away from the group, waiting for class to start when Laidon walked over to her. "Ryushi, why are you over here?"

She looked away from him. "N... not good with people."

"Ahh, I see. You're just a little shy. It's okay. You just take your time and try to be a bit more comfortable with at least some of them. Yeah?" She looked back at him then away again before she nodded.

All Might got everyone's attention. "Okay, today you will be put into teams of two. Since we have a strange number of people, we will have two teams of three. And to do this, we will be drawing lotts!" He brought out two boxes and set them next to each other.

Iida raised his hand but didn't wait to ask his question. "Sir! Why choose teams at random! Wouldn't it be better to team us up in a way that we would work well!"

Ryukyu looked at him then to the rest of the class. "Anyone know the reason?" Izumi raised her hand. "Ah, Ms Midoriya. What do you think the reason is?"

"Well, in a crisis situation, you don't always get to choose your partner. You sometimes get teamed up with people you either don't get along with or someone who's quirk doesn't fit well with yours. So this is helping us to prepare for that time?"

"Yes, very good Ms Midoriya. She is correct. You do not always get to choose who you work with when you show up to a crime scene so you must improvise. This exercise will help you to be ready for that. Any more questions?" Uraraka raised her hand. "No, you will not be expelled for not performing well here. That is something that Mr Aizawa will do." She lowered her hand.

Seeing no one else raise their hand, All Might began to make teams. Laidon got put on a team with Ryushi and Yaoyorozu. After all of the teams were set, everyone except for Izumi's team and Bakugou's team went to a room to watch.

Laidon POV

As I watched the match progress, I kept feeling a strong sense of unease. Watching Izumi fight Bakugou just made me want to step in. Made me feel like... I don't know, like something bad was gonna happen. Then Bakugou began to raise his grenade shaped gauntlet and I accidentally let a growl escape my lips.

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