Chapter 8

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Aizawa had jumped down the stairs with Ryukyu following close behind, leaving 13 in charge of the kids. Many of the students were worried for their teachers and Laidon was having a hard time not jumping down and helping. Every fiber of his being was yelling at him to attack but he also wanted to keep his friends and sister safe.

All of a sudden, a black mist appeared behind them. It stared them all down with yellow glowing eyes. "Hello students. We are the league of villains and we are here to kill All Might. He was supposed to be here. Was there a change in the-'' he never got to finish as both Bakugou and Kirishima attacked him.

The attack appeared to do nothing and the mist slowly began to surround all of the students. "Fine. I suppose it's time for my job. To torture you all to death!"

Before everyone was taken away, Laidon grabbed hold of Ryushi and Izumi before they all started to fall. Laidon looked down and saw they were going to hit some rocks so he made sure he took the brunt of the damage by landing on his back with Ryushi and Izumi on top of him.

Hitting the ground caused a lot of dust to be kicked up. "Laidon, are you okay?" Ryushi asked as she saw her brother inside the rocky ground.

Some villains began to approach. "Looky what we got here. Looks like one of the thems already dead. Just means we get ta have some fun with them girls." The villains all had lecherous smiles.

Before they could do anything though, the heard the ground begin the move and a guttural growling. Laidon began to pull himself out of the ground and glare at all of the villains. "If you so much as touch either of them, you won't be walking out of here."

Some of the villains began to back up in fear of Laidon while others looked at him with cocky smirks. "Oh yeah? What is a injured little hero trainy gonna do?"

He was then introduced to the ground by Laidon as Laidon immediately got out of the hole and grabbed him by the head. Scales began to grow over Laidon's body.


After all of the villains were taken care of, it took a bit for Laidon to be calmed down by Ryushi. "Hey, it's okay. We're not hurt."

Laidon smiled and hugged his sister. "That's good." They all walked over to the edge of some cliff that was nearby and saw the center of the USJ where Aizawa and Ryukyu were having trouble dealing with this strange creature. It had blueish-black skin with cuts over its arms showing the muscle underneath with a beak and its brain exposed.

"We need to get down there," Izumi said, walking up to the brother-sister duo.

Laidon looked down the cliff side and had an idea to get down. "Ryushi, are you capable of carrying both me and Izumi?"

Ryushi looked down the cliff and immediately knew what Laidon was planning. She nodded to him and they began their trek down.


Aizawa was struggling with the Nomu as one of the villains called it. Ryukyu had transformed but the thing seemed to be as strong as All Might.

His quirk didn't seem to have any effect on it. As he just barely dodged one of its punches, he saw Laidon come in and punch it in the head. It didn't seem to do anything to the creature. Laidon jumped back before the Nomu could do anything.

He landed beside Ryushi and Izumi. A villain covered in hands began to laugh. "Hahaha! You can't stop my Nomu! He was made to kill All Might! With shock absorption and super regeneration he's unkillable!"

Laidon nodded to Ryushi and they went to Aizawa. "Mr Aizawa, we have a plan. You need to use your quirk on it so Ryushi can get a hit on it."

Aizawa looked between his two students before nodding. "On my signal, do your plan." The two nodded and split up.

The hand villain looked between the twins and began to smile. "So those two are related? Nomu, kill the blonde girl!" The creature immediately charged towards Ryushi but right before impact, Ryushi was pushed out of the way of the hit. She looked over and saw Laidon there just as the punch connected, sending him flying through a brick wall.

Ryushi looked at the hole with tears in her eyes. The hole had a bit of blood on it and something in her snapped. Ryushi immediately transformed and took off towards the Nomu at high speeds. Ryukyu came in as well looking a bit more than pissed. If looks could kill then the look she was giving the Nomu would be an immediate death sentence regardless of any quirk.

As both hero and student were hitting the Nomu before it could do anything, Aizawa began to activate his quirk on the Nomu as Ryushi hit the creature in the head. Immediately on impact, scales began to grow out of the Nomu's head at an extremely rapid pace.

The creature screeched and howled in pain as it held its head but Ryushi didn't stop. She kept hitting the Nomu over and over. The only thing she could see was the impact spot where Laidon was and nothing else.

Even when the Nomu's body hit the floor, motionless and lifeless, she kept fighting. It wasn't until Ryukyu had to pull her off that she finally stopped. "No! Let me go!" She shouted.

"Ryushi, it's over. The creature is dead," Ryukyu told her.

Ryushi struggled for a couple seconds before she began to cry. She latched onto the only thing she could and cried into Ryukyu's chest. Ryukyu did her best to comfort the girl.


Izumi was going around to the other zones in the USJ to help when she heard a crash from the center of the USJ. She couldn't see what was going on but she had a bad feeling in her gut.

She immediately began to run to the center only to see the Nomu dead on the ground with Ryushi crying into Ryukyu with a hole in the far brick wall.

She ran over to the hole and noticed some blood around it. She got even more worried and began to go even faster.

As she got to the hole, she went inside and saw Laidon. Her eyes began to tear up before he began to move. "Ugh." He began to move and get up, holding the wall.

Izumi began to help him up. "Laidon, are you okay?!"

"Huh? Oh, Izumi. When did you get here?" When he got up, he almost fell over as Izumi caught him. "Thanks."

They came out of the hole and saw a few other students had made it to the center of the USJ. They were looking confused why Ryushi was crying when they spotted Laidon coming out of the wall held by Izumi.

They ran over when the blood. "Oh, hey guys. Your here to?" He looked over and saw Ryushi. "Hey Izumi, could you take me over to Ryushi?"

Izumi nodded. "Yeah. Just be careful." Laidon nodded back.

Ryushi was crying into Ryukyu as she held her. "Shh. It'll be okay." Ryukyu looked up and saw Laidon walking over with Izumi. "Ryushi, everything's gonna be okay. Laidon's gonna be alright."

Ryushi looked up at her and saw her looking at something behind her. She looked back and saw Laidon coming over with the help of Izumi.

She got up and ran over. She hugged Laidon and Laidon fell backwards on the ground. She cried into his chest as Laidon just smiled, glad that his sister was okay.

There was a crash at the entrence and everyone looked to see All Might there. "I AM HERE!" He looked around and saw that there were no villains still conscious.

The other teachers arrived not far behind them and saw the aftermath. Laidon was rushed to Recovery Girl. All of the students were rounded up and all of the villains were arrested by police.


Laidon was laying in one of Recovery Girl's beds, asleep. He got a concussion from the Nomu and some cuts from the bricks. Recovery Girl already healed the cuts and made him rest.

(A/N: I hope you enjoyed!)

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