Chapter 4

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A few days passed and today was the first day of school. I was so excited since this has been my dream since I could understand what a hero was. That was also the first time I saw Ryukyu.

Flashback ~(-w-)~

I was sitting on the couch with mom as the news came on and I saw a giant dragon in a red dress thing fighting some mean looking people. I was confused about what was going on so I asked mom. "Mom, what's happening on the tv?"

"That's a hero. She's the number ten hero, Ryukyu."

"What's a h-hero?"

"Heroes are people who go out and stop bad guys and save people."

I looked at mom with stars in my eyes. "Really?! That's so cool! I wanna be a hero when I grow up! Just like R... Ryukuy!"

Mom laughed at my mispronunciation. "Hmhm, it's Ryukyu, Laidon. Ryu kyu."

"R-Ryukyu." Mom nodded and I smiled at her. "I wanna be a hero like Ryukyu!" I stood up on the couch with my fist in the air.

Flashback end

As I came out of my daydreaming, I looked at the time and realized I needed to leave now or else I'm gonna be late to class! I quickly ran downstairs and grabbed some toast before running out of the dorms.

As I finally found my way to class, I walked in to find more shouting. "Remove your feet from the desk this instant! It is an insult to both the people who crafted it and the students who came before us!" The blue haired kid, Tenya Iida, made a furious chopping motion with his hand as if he was a robot.

"LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE, FOUR EYES, BEFORE I BLAST YOU OUT OF THE BUILDING!" He made small explosions in his hands as he looked at Tenya.

I, once again, tried to ignore... that, and made my way to my seat. I sat on the right side near the middle, just in front of Ryushi. I smiled at her as she did a small wave back.

Ryushi POV

What is up with this guy? He always seems so cheery and happy but doesn't like to talk about himself. What is it that he's hiding?

As he sat down in front of me, I was about to ask him until I felt someone at the front door. "If you're here to make friends, get out." A disheveled looking hobo man drinking apple sauce from a pouch came in and stood in front of everyone. "It took all of you eight seconds to quiet down. That needs to be worked on. First, put on this uniform," he pulled a stack of gym uniforms from somewhere and set them on the podium, "and meet me outside."

Everyone got up and grabbed a uniform and went to the changing rooms. I didn't like the color of the gym clothes very much. Too blue. I decided to just ignore it for now and made my way outside after I changed.

Laidon POV

When we all got outside, I noticed that Ryukyu was here next to Aizawa. "Everyone, listen up! Today you will all be doing a quirk assessment test."

"Sir, what about orientation?" Uraraka asked.

"Pointless. Nothing but a waste of time. You're here to be heroes, not waste time on pointless ceremonies." He pulled out a ball and looked at Ryushi. "Takumia, what was your ball throw in high school?"

"Fifty six."

He nodded and tossed the ball to her. "Then use your quirk this time." She nodded and walked up to the circle. "Anything goes just stay in the circle." Ryukyu was watching silently next to Aizawa.

Ryushi changed her arm to that of a dragon and threw the ball as hard as she could. The ball flew through the sky and quickly went out of sight. Aizawa had a small smile on his face as he looked at his phone. Ryukyu did as well.

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