Chapter 2

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The months leading up to the UA exam, I've been training harder than ever. The motivation to find my birth mother has been a big push in making me do better.

Now, I'm standing outside the UA gate and staring there in awe of it. It's a giant building that stands at least 75 foot tall. I look around and see a bunch of people walking in when I see an ash blonde boy yell at a green haired girl.

I go up to see what's going on but before I get there, the ash blonde walks away. I walk up to the scared girl. "Hey, are you alright? Why was that guy yelling at you?"

"Ah!" She screamed. I accidentally scared her when I talked to her. "Oh, sorry. I, uh, a bit jumpy I guess." She nervously scratched the back of her head and looked away. "Th-that was Kacchan. He's... not too happy about me trying out for UA."

"Well, he can deal with it. Everyone's free to try out for UA. I'm Laidon Nagura but you can just call me Laidon, what's your name?" I gave her a kind smile.

"Uh, I-Izumi Midoriya. I-it's n-nice to meet you." She suddenly became very flustered and tripped on her words. 'Heh, cute.' "S-so, if you d-don't mind me asking, wh-what's your quirk?

"My quirk is a dragon type. It lets me grow scales all over my body and either have them stick out for offense or flatten them for defence. It's nothing all that special but I love it." I grew some scales on my hand and looked at them thinking of my birth mother. I then realized the time and began to rush. I grabbed Izumi's hand and she began to blush. "Come on, we don't want to miss our chance to get into UA!"

I ran inside, pulling Izumi the whole way. We got to a big room with a ton of people already sitting down. There weren't any open seats next to each other so we seperated. I ended up sitting next to this one golden blonde girl whose hair reached just over her shoulders and covered her left eye. She seemed quiet but that didn't bother me.

"Hey, I'm Laidon. What's your name?"


"So, are you excited for UA?"


"What's your quirk?"


"Really? I have a dragon quirk too!"


I saw a small locket hanging around her neck and got curious. "Hey, what's that?"

She grabbed her locket and put it in her shirt. "Nothing."

"Oh, well, I have a locket too. I got it just a few months ago. I understand if you want to keep your stuff a secret but I hope we can be friends."


Present Mic made his presence known and he began to go over the exam and the rules until a blue haired kid stood up and began to shout. "SIR, THE PAPER SAYS THAT THERE ARE FOUR ROBOTS BUT YOU HAVE ONLY EXPLAINED THREE! IF THIS IS A TYPO THEN THIS IS VERY UNPROFESSIONAL OF UA! HOW CAN YOU SET AN EXAMPLE FOR US IF YOU MAKE A MISTAKE LIKE THIS!"


I stood up. "Hey! Present Mic was just about to get to that if you didn't interrupt him! So sit down and be patient!" He immediately sat down and lowered his head. I sat down too and Present Mic continued his speech.

Afterwards, I had to get on a bus. I didn't know anyone so I just talked to some random people. There was a guy with red hair who talked about how manly things were, a girl with gills, a girl with ear jacks on her ears, and so many other interesting people.

We arrived and we all stood outside this giant door. A lot of people seemed nervous about the practical exam but I was excited. "All these years of training are finally gonna start paying off." I had an excited smile as scales accidentally began to grow on my arms. I calmed myself down and got serious for the start. As soon as the door began to open, I took off into the city with a couple people following. Everyone else was either standing there confused or angry or smug for us taking a "false start" as they called it.

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