Chapter 7

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(A/N: Sorry, forgot to post yesterday. This chapter is a little short but there will be another chapter out today. I hope you enjoy!)

It's been three days since me and Ryushi learned that we were twins. When we told everyone, they didn't seem surprised. I wasn't sure why but I didn't think much of it though.

Me and Ryushi were doing a lot together to try and make up for lost time. We trained a lot and Ryushi beat me a lot. Izumi Likes to watch us train and write in her notebook. I managed to get her to train with us rather than just watch and she came up with a way to use her quirk really effectively.

Ryushi also helped me study history which wasn't my strong suit. I helped her study with math since she was having trouble in that class.

Last night we were trying to brainstorm who our mom could be. The only answer we could come up with is Ryukyu but we couldn't be sure since we still haven't met all of the teachers.

Today, I felt like something exciting was gonna happen. I was sitting in class, talking to Ryushi about random things when Aizawa came in. "Shut up and sit down. Today you're going to the USJ. All Might, Ryukyu, me and someone else are gonna be there. Get your costumes on or the gym clothes. I don't care."

Everyone went to get changed. As I was changing, I looked over at Mineta looking at the wall. He seemed to be drooling a bit. "Hey Mineta, what are you doing?"

He jumped a bit when I called out to him and moved to cover the spot he was looking at. "N-nothing."

Curious, I walked over to see for myself and saw a small hole behind a poster. I moved Mineta out of the way and what I saw made me immediately look away. "Dude, you were just watching the girls change? My own sister changing?!"

He was shaking and backing away slowly until an earphone jack came in and stabbed him in the eye. I walked back over to finish changing before I did something I might regret later.


Walking out to the bus, I saw Ryukyu and Aizawa talking. I ran over to tell Ryukyu about my sister since I didn't have the chance until now. As I got close, I heard them talking. "So, are you gonna tell them?"

"Shota, you know I can't do that. They need to do this themselves. To tell them would fulfill my own selfish desires. This is their choice whether to continue or stop at any time if they change their minds."

I was confused about what she was talking about. 'I'll have to talk to Ryushi later about that.' I ran up to them and they saw me. "Hello Ms Ryukyu, Mr Aizawa. Ms Ryukyu, I found my sister!"

She smiled at me. "That's amazing. Who was it?"

"Ryushi. Looking back at it, it seemed a bit obvious. And no one in class seemed to be surprised at it. I don't know why."

No one POV

Laidon continued to talk to Ryukyu about everything that's happened with him and his twin as she smiled hearing about how the two are getting along.

Aizawa was annoyed, wondering where his class was and what was taking so long for them to get ready. He watched as Laidon was talking with Ryukyu and had a small smile that he hid behind his scarf. 'If only you knew, kid.'

Once everyone arrived at the bus, Iida tried to get them to sit in some kind of seating arrangement but Momo shot that plan down due to it not being his place to enforce that and that not working with the way the bus is set up.

Everyone got on and Laidon sat between Ryushi and Izumi. They were talking about random things until Tsuyu spoke up. "Hey Takumia, Nagura, I say what's on my mind. If you two are twins then who are your parents?"

This question caught a lot of peoples attention including the teachers. The two looked at each other before Laidon spoke up. "We're not sure. We know it's someone who works at UA but we haven't met all of the teachers so we can't say for sure."

Tsuyu put her finger on her chin. "I would guess Ms Ryukyu. But that also makes me wonder who the father is. And Midoriya, you power is a lot like All Might's. Are you related with him or something?"

Izumi began to sweat nervously. "U-uh, n-no I'm not r-related to him. W-we just have a s-similar qu-quirk."

The bus suddenly came to a stop and Aizawa stood up. "We're here. Everyone get off the bus."

Everyone got off and saw a hero that was dressed in some kind of space suit. Uraraka and Izumi began to fangirl over the hero which made Laidon smile. "Hello and welcome to the USJ! Here you will be taught how to better control your quirks to save lives."

"But we already can control our quirks!" Iida shouted. "This is a pointless exercise!"

Iida was glared at by Aizawa. "Iida, shut up."

"As I was about to explain, during hero work, you will encounter situations where using your quirk can end up with people dying. Take my quirk for example. If I am not careful, I could end up sucking in a person and killing them. All of you might be able to use your quirks but you don't have full control of them. That is where the USJ comes in."

We began to walk in as Thirteen continued to go over what was going to happen. As they reached the interior staircase of the building, the lights began to flicker and the fountain began to cut out. A purple misty portal began to open in the center of the USJ and a horde of people began to come out of it.

Kirishima walked and saw them. "Hey, they even have fake villains!"

Aizawa got in front of everyone. "Everyone get back! Those aren't fake villains!"

(A/N: I hope you enjoyed!)

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