Chapter 6

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"Hey Ryushi, what do you think we're gonna do today?" I asked her as I leaned back in my seat. She just shrugged. "Yeah, I don't know either. We've been here a week now and Mr Aizawa has had us do so many hero quizzes."

Just then, the door opened and Aizawa came in. "Alright class, today you're picking a class president."

Most of the class jumped out of their seats and cheered "a normal school event" while Mr Aizawa quickly got annoyed.

His eyes began to glow red and his hair began to float. "Quiet." Everyone went back to their seats and went quiet. "Okay, do it however you want. I don't care as long as you don't wake me up." He pulled out a sleeping bag and went to sleep behind his desk.

The class immediately erupted into chaos as everyone wanted to be president besides Ryushi.

Ryukyu POV

"Sir, you wanted to see me?" I asked as I walked into Nezu's office.

"Ah yes. Please, come sit down. I just wanted to discuss a few things. Tea?"

"Yes, thank you." I sat down and he handed me a freshly brewed cup of tea.

"So, I wanted to talk about Mr Nagura and Ms Takumia. How has their search gone?"

"Well, they still haven't realized that they're siblings but they do get along quite well. Honestly, I think the only reason they haven't figured it out is because of how reserved they both are. Ryushi rarely says more than one word and Laidon, while talkative, doesn't talk about himself very much."

"Yes. I've noticed the same. If you would like, I could engineer a situation where-"

"No. They need to figure this out by themselves."

Nezu nodded. "Very well. You may return to your class now. I believe Aizawa had them pick the class president today so he wouldn't have to teach the kids without you."

I finished the rest of my tea and stood up. "Very well. I shall see you later, Nezu." With that, I left for the classroom.


As I walked in, I saw Yaoyorozu and Midoriya standing at the front of the room. "Midoriya will be class president and Yaoyorozu will be vice. Do what you want for the rest of class. Just don't wake me up." Aizawa got into his sleeping bag and laid behind his desk.

I walked in and sat at the desk as the class began to talk amongst themselves. I looked over and had a small smile as I watched Laidon and Ryushi talk. Well, more like Laidon talk and Ryushi nodding along and sometimes making faces.


Laidon POV

I was sitting in my room, studying some stuff for Midnight's class. "Man, there's so much history to study. Ugh." Then I heard a knock on my door. I got up and saw Ryushi there. "Oh, hey Ryushi. What's up?"

"Talk." After that, she came in and I closed my door. I sat at my desk as she sat on my bed.

"So, what did you want to talk about?"

She looked hesitant before taking a deep breath. "I want to talk about what is wrong."

I looked at her confused. "What do you mean?"

"I know that you're keeping secrets about your past. I can tell that they're painful. But I want you to know that, despite the fact we've only been friends for a week, you can rely on me."

I looked at her and saw that she was telling the truth. "*sigh Okay. I'll tell you but please don't tell anyone else, okay?"


"Okay. It started when I was about nine."

Flashback ~(-w-)~

I just arrived at my new school. We had to move for dad's work and I had to leave all of my friends. I was a bit sad about that but mom said I could make all new friends.

My teacher was escorting me to the classroom and I began to feel kinda nervous about meeting new people. 'What if they hate me? No, just stay positive, like Ryukyu says. Negative emotions will cause a negative outcome.'

I walked into the class when the teacher called me in and I began to introduce myself. "Hi, I'm Laidon Nagura. My quirk is called Dragon Scales. I hope we can all be friends." I smiled at them but someone threw a paper ball at me.

"Mr Nagura, why don't you sit behind Mr Monoma." I nodded and walked back to the seat behind Monoma. As I was walking, someone tripped me, causing me to fall on the floor.

I quickly got up and continued to my seat, tears threatening to start streaming down my face.


"And that's pretty much how it went for the next few years." I looked up at the ceiling, thinking about back then.

"So what made you hold it together?"

I smiled as I remembered. "Ryukyu. She always seemed to say just the thing I needed to hear. In one of her interviews, she talked about how no matter how bad things seem to be, things will get better. It may not be today or tomorrow but it will get better."

"So what are you looking for? You mentioned during the battle trial that you were looking for something."

I looked out at the stars from my balcony window. "I'm looking for myself I guess. Who I really am." She looked confused. "When I turned eighteen a few months ago, I learned something about myself. I was adopted. My birth mother had left me on my parents' doorstep."

I looked back over to her and saw that her eyes had widened. "You... you were left on your parents' doorstep?"

"Yeah. Turns out that my birth mom wanted to keep me safe from something. When I turned eighteen, I learned the truth and got my locket." I pulled out my locket and looked at it. "I just hope my twin sister is here too."

As I finished talking, I felt Ryushi rush and hug me as tears began to run down her face and onto my shirt. I was completely lost on what was happening so I just hugged back, letting her take her time.

When she calmed down, she took a step back and wiped her eyes. "S-sorry. Laidon, I-I think I'm your sister."


She pulled out her locket and handed it to me. "If I'm right, then we should have the same picture."

I nodded and opened both of the lockets. When I saw them both, my mind stopped. "Th-they... they have the same picture." I looked up at her. "S-sister?"

She nodded. "I got my locket when I turned eighteen. I've never been very close to my adoptive parents. I mean, they were good parents but..."

I looked at her, a bit sad that she didn't have the relationship I have with my parents. "It's okay. Hey, could you help me study? There's that big history test coming up and I'm... not prepared." She nodded and came over to my desk.

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