" Kid Idiot"

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Wally saw darkness, then white. He groaned and closed his eyes. He felt a hand in his. Wally knew it was Robin's Because his hand was only a tiny bit smaller, and they kind of fit together.
" Wally?" He heard Dick say, worry and relief clear in his voice. He blinked a bit, then opened his eyes. He saw Robin's blue eyes widen. Wally tried sitting up, but hissed when pain met his side. "Hey, hey easy" Dick soothed, softly pushing him back down.
"W-What happened?" Wally whispered, his throat hurt badly. Dick handed him a cup of water.
" You were stabbed. The knife was coming for me and you pushed me out of the way." You could practically hear the guilt and anger in his voice. " oh."
It was silent for a bit, but then Dick jumped out of his chair. " How could you be so stupid?!" Dick almost yelled.
" it should of been me." He continued.
" Dick! Stop! It shouldn't of been anyone!"
"Do you know how long you have been out Wally?" Dick asked. Wally shook his head.
" Three days! And for those three days, I couldn't do Anything" He cried. Wally gasped softly.
" I'm Sorry" Wally whispered. Dick sat on the end of Wally's bed. "God your an Idiot"
Dick climbed up towards Wally and laid in his arms.
" Kid Idiot to be exact"

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