Coming out to Barry

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Wally's hands shook as he approached Barry.
Barry being Barry,he sensed something's was wrong.
"Dad" he started. Barry smiled now every time Wally called him that. But his smile quickly faded. " I have something to tell you"

Barry nodded and scooted over so Wally could sit. Wally sat down, but didn't look at Barry.
" You know you can tell me anything, right Wally?" Barry said, Wally still didn't meet his eyes.
Wally groaned and put his head in his hands.
This is harder than it looks.
" look Wally, I won't be upset, if you got a bad grade on a science test-"
"No-No! It's not anything like that"
Barry was worried,he seemed so scared.
Wally was scared, when his "Dad" ( the Abusive one....The bad one) found out, He beat him harder.
"I'm Gay"
There was silence, than a laugh.
" And? I don't love you any less" Wally looked shocked.
" Wally, I'm nothing like ....I can't even say it, I don't care who you love"

Wally smiled, and his Dad pulled him into a hug.
" Now, who is the lucky Guy?"
" him" Wally pointed in the other boys direction.
"Hi Mr. Allen" Dick said, he held flowers.
Barry smiled and pulled Dick into a hug.

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