A pathetic Monster

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Wally stared at himself in the mirror. He knew what he had become.
A freak
A Monster
A pathetic monster.
Rudolph's( Wally's father) Words had gotten to him, like they always have.
His right cheek is bruised, ribs cracked. Wally cried out and punched the mirror in front of him, which shattered loudly.
Wally sunk to his knees and sobbed.

Then quick footsteps were heard, then a shout.
" Wally?"
His uncle shouted. Barry burst into his room. Barry searched threw the room, then checked the bathroom. He rushed to the sobbing boy.
" Wally?...Hey. Hey Wally calm down" Barry tried to soothe him.
Barry ran out of the room, "IRIS!"
Loud footsteps were heard, and Iris greeted him. " What's wrong?"
Barry grabbed her hand and led her towards Wally's bathroom.
Iris gasped. " I will be back I need to call someone" Iris quickly left the room.
Barry knelt down beside Wally.
He just saw the bruised eye, and now bloodied knuckles. When did he get the black eye? How did he not see this?
Guilt immediately took over him, along with Worry. Barry rubbed Wally's back and held the boy close.
" Hey Iris!"
" Hey Dick"
Dick heard the sadness in her voice.
"W-What's wrong?"
" It's Wally I think he needs you, He is very...upset, Barry and I can't calm him"
" Be there soon" Iris knew the two boys were close, they said they were just friends. But she saw more than friends.
Dick ran out of his room and to the large doors. Until....
" Where do you think Your going?" Bruce's Strong voice came from behind him.
" somethings wrong with Wally. I have to go.- I have to go!" Dick rushed out the door.
Dick, Didn't knock, he just ran in.
" Up here!"
Dick almost ran as fast as The flash.
What Dick saw scared him. Barry and Iris left the room. Dick knelt down next to his secret Boyfriend. They were going to come out to Wally's parents soon.
" Wally. Shhhh it's ok" Dick whispered.
Wally looked up at Dick, then hugged him.
Dick held him tightly, and rocked him back and forth.
Wally's sobs died down to soft cries.
" I-I'm a monster" He cried.
" No-no! Wally, You are not a monster, You are beautiful, You are a hero" Dick whispered.
" I don't believe you" Wally said.
" Well you should, Because Wally you are one of the best dammed guy I know. Plus Wally,
I love you, Don't ever forget that."
"I-i love you too"
Their lips met.
Barry and Iris found them snuggled together.
" See you owe me 10 Dollars" Iris said, then took a picture.
Barry's mouth was hanging open.
" Should we move them?"
" Nah they might wake up."
Iris grabbed a blanket and draped it over the boys.
" when do you think they were going to tell us?"
Iris shrugged.
They had already picked up the glass.
Now The Flash was going to have a little talk with Wally's father.

~ Thank you for Over 100 reads!!! Wow I was shocked! Now if you have any ideas you can leave it in the comments or you can message me!~

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