Bonus - Q&A

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Hey guys my Christmas present to you is a Q&A and a chapter enjoy!!

What inspired the characters Will and Alexis ?
Well for Alexis I kinda based her a tad on me, I haven't had any tragic relationships but I do know a thing or two about cheaters not any of my past boyfriends thank goodness for that. As for Will I based him on my crush his looks his personality even his first name. I know a little crazy to write a whole book on your crush but hey I'm not the first one right!

What made you start writing ?
This is a good one, I started writing just for fun. I was watching a Christmas movie you know a romance one. And the plot ended very poorly written, I was ranting on and on to my sister about it. And my mom heard me she said, you read a lot of romance stories why don't you just write one. And look I gave it a shot.

Any advice for future writers?
Two things. First don't write for others write for yourself and if others read then great but at least you wrote something that your proud of. Second write the story you would want to read don't worry about cliché there is a reason people like to read certain stereotypes.

What made you right this specific plot?
I wrote this story because I wanted to read a sports romance I couldn't find any so I wrote one. Speaking of any sports romance recommendations please message me!!!
I also wanted to write a romance with my crush in it.( hehe)

One fun fact about myself ?
I am a triplet identical both my sisters and I are from Missouri but we moved to Kansas two years ago. I also love marvel movies!!!

Are Alexis friends going to be in the book more?
Yes. Of course they are the two side characters I will be putting them in here and there.
I have some plans for the two of them.

What inspired this story something from your real life or imagination ?
Well this one is simple. Purely imagination I wish this was my real life but no I just wanted this kinda of story so I wrote it.

Do you want to take your writing to a career level or just a hobby?
Well for now I would like it to be a hobby but you never know where God can take this if it is his plan for my life then I guess. I want to be dentist but maybe I will become a writer.
Well that's all I got if y'all have more questions then post them on my page I will updated in.

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