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I woke up in darkness, unable to move.

My pounding headache was obscuring my survival senses. However, I quickly discovered that was the least of my problems. I could not see. Worse, I could not move.

I tried to move my hands but they were bound by tight ropes behind me, and so were my feet. I could not tell where I was as I was also blindfolded. All I could feel was the coldness of the rough, hard ground. It felt like concrete. Maybe I was outside? The feeling of my limbs being restricted for so long was alarming, and it felt like they had been broken.

I wanted to scream for help but I did not know my surroundings. What if my captors were right around me? What would they do they found out I woke up?

"Fuck my life. Fuck my life. Fuck my life" I quietly whispered to myself. I knew it was stupid to talk but I couldn't help it. Right now the thought of everything else that might happen to me scared me more than death.

How did I even end up in this scenario? I just finished my university exams and started winter break. I was supposed to have a nice relaxing 2 week holiday doing nothing, and here I am. Well this is what happens when you go out at night, alone. I just wanted some McDonald's and here I am fending for my life! A worse realization hit me! Who would notice that I was gone... My parents were supposed to pick me up on Wednesday but it was Friday. Or at least it was when I went out. Who would notice that I was missing? Nobody would even be able to track me because I didn't tell anywhere where I was going! Great, this is all my fault!

Surely there must have been someone who saw me stabbed in the neck with a needle. I didn't even have the chance to see my abductor's face. Well, good for him because I would have gouged his eyeballs out with my wolverine length nails.

Suddenly, I heard the door creak. Some was here!

"Who's there?" I instinctively whispered. I felt the blood drain from my face. Why did I talk?? Oh well, too late.

"WHO'S THERE?" I yelled. I heard footsteps come towards me and I started screaming. Oh no, oh no no no. I should have kept my mouth shut.

"Shut the fuck up", the voice of a man shouted angrily as he removed my blindfold. I blinked my eyes a few times to get adjusted to the light of the cold, damp room. I was in a grey room, made of all concrete, no windows. There was nothing in it except for a dirty sink at the far corner of the room. Then I took note of the man in front of me. He was crouched in front of me, inspecting my face. He looked in this 30s. Maybe he was part of a gang and I was being trafficked? He grabbed my chin and smiled.

"Nice to see that you're finally awake. You were out for 2 days." Damn was I really? What did they give me?

"What do you want from me?" I snarled.

"Damn, a feisty one," he laughed. "Don't worry sweetheart, I won't hurt you. I'm just the middleman. The bigger question is what do THEY want from you."

"Who's they?" I asked, scared of the answer. I was right. I was being trafficked, but to who? Maybe if I offer cash or some other form of help, they'd let me go.

"Shifters!" he beamed. Who the fuck were the Shifters. What kind of stupid gang name is that?

"I don't know if you are part of that gang, but if you let me go now, I won't testify against you, and they might lessen your sentence" I reasoned with him. I was being very honest. He looked at me with a serious look on my face before he erupted with laughter. I frowned. Why did he find this funny. Here I was offering him help to get him a life out of violence and he was laughing at me. I took a moment until he regained his composure.

"Oh.. your human laws aren't a concern to me," he stated with a stupid grin on his face. "You see shifters aren't human. Not fully at least. They're ..what do ye teenage girls called them...werewolves."

Now it was my turn to laugh. Did he really find me that stupid? Did he think I'd get turned on by the thought of being fucked by a werewolf so I'd take it lightly. This stupid man. Worse, he called me a teenage GIRL. I was a twenty year old WOMAN in COLLEGE.

"Haha real funny" I retorted.

"Oh you don't believe me?" he raised his eyebrows. "Yes, I know human girls are skeptical but once they get used to their slave lives, I bet they thank me for the warning." He lightly smacked my cheek. How dare he touch me. I flared my nostrils before I spit in his face. Right in his face. He looked shocked but it was his fault. He was crouching down in front of me, and his face looked like it was made to be spit on. He wiped off his face with his forearm and frowned.

"No wonder the prices were so high for you. You're a stunner but it's your temper that makes you so fun. I can't wait until that alpha breaks you."

Wait, was I already sold? I had to escape, fast.

"I'm hungry," I stated, switching the topic.

"Well, good thing. That's what I was here for," he pointed towards a bowl of food already in the room. He pushed the bowl towards me. I stared at him. UNTIE ME.

"Use your face, bitch!" he snarled before stomping out of the room.

Oh no! There goes my escape plan. I had to think of something else. Thankfully, he forgot to put my blindfold back on. I looked around the room. It was completely empty; devoid of any weapon. Not even a single window to jump out from. The only way out was from the door that man just walked out of.

I tried to squiggle out of my rope but it was too tight. I groaned in pain as I got burns from moving my hands. It dawned on me to use the bowl of soup he put in front of me as lube for the rope. However, he put the food around 2 feet away from me. My legs were tied at such an uncomfortable angle, I couldn't even move at all. How was I supposed to get to my food. Maybe I shouldn't have spit in his face...

I was caught off-guard as I heard a car speed by nearby. I wasn't completely isolated! There were people around! Somewhere! I quietly waited for the next car to come by. It did eventually! The sound was coming from upstairs!

"HELP!!!" I screamed. Surely, if there were people around, they would hear me and call the police. "HELP!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed even louder. "I'M IN THE BASEMENT!"

Suddenly, the door slammed open. It was the man from before. He walked angrily towards me.

"What did I tell you?" he warned.

"HELP!!!!!" I did not stop screaming.

"WILL YOU STOP THAT?" he shouted.

I ignored him and gave the strongest high pitch scream I could muster. I didn't care, I had to be saved. Eventually, he'd realize he'd have to leave due to the cops and would not care enough to bring me with him.

I was knocked out of my thoughts as a very hard metal object hit me back. In fact, I was knocked out of reality. My vision blacked for a moment, before he delivered a second blow to my spine. Unbearable pain went through my entire body in waves and it felt like I was unable to breathe. He noticed I stopped screaming and dropped the weapon beside me. A metal club. He hit me with a METAL BAT. I fell over to my side. I could not sit upright anymore, my entire body was paralyzed.

He crouched down once more, and shoved the food right beside my face.

"I told you to eat," he declared. He grabbed me by the hair and shoved my face into the bowl.

"Eat!" he shouted. I didn't. I couldn't. I physically couldn't control my body. He hit me in my SPINE. He shoved my face into the bowl once more as I passed out.

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