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**A/N: I'm switching to present tense. Sorry for the abrupt change but it makes the reading experience much more immersive in my opinion.**

My body jerks up at the sound of a heavy metal door closing. I dart my eyes around rapidly. The strong light of the room burns my eyes. It feels like someone has poured lemon juice in my eyeballs. How long have I been out for? The same man from before enters the room.

"Feeling better?" he taunts. That motherfucker.

Okay, don't respond Bree. Keep your cool! See this is what got me in trouble last time. He starts to untie my feet. Should I kick him and run? No way! He'd catch me in no time. I have to come up with a better plan.

He pulls me up and starts dragging me to the sink. I whimper as I feel sharp pain jolt through my back and legs. I can't tell if my legs are hurt from the beating I took yesterday, the sedative I was given, or from being tied up for so long. When we get to the sink, he grabs me by the hair and shoves my face under the running water. I try to move up but he just pushes me back down. I feel one of my contacts dislodge as the water sprays in my face and burning eyes. Thankfully, after a while, he drags me back to my previous spot.

"He's here," he smiles. Oh no! Should I have run when he untied my feet? I can't even see properly with a missing contact. "Get yourself nice and perky, sweetie!" he says as he left the room.

Should I make a run for it? I was untied but there was only one spot to escape from. If that man just walked out the door, he'd be right there to catch me the minute I walked out. I had to think of something more elaborate. If there was a man who was coming to buy me, he would have to take me outside for transportation. There would be a better chance to escape then, rather than now. I could pretend to be drowsy when he came so he wouldn't drug me.

The door opening again brings me out of my thoughts. An incredibly tall, muscular man walks in, along with my captor. For a moment, I almost believe the werewolf bullshit my captor has told me. This man was HUGE. Maybe I should have run before. How was I going to escape from HIM? The tall man stares me down and notices I'm not averting my gaze. Bad idea! I quickly look down, and changed my demeanor to completely submissive.

If I was going to escape, I have to be conniving, not gutsy.

I heard my captor walk over to me. He unties me and walks me over to where the tall man is standing. I wobbled back and forth dramatically as he tugs me towards him.

"There you go, Landon! Fresh and perky, just like I promised." I do not look up but I feel the tall man, called Landon, inspect me.

Landon grabs my arm and walks out of the room, and up the flight of stairs. We reached outside and my eyes burn even more as they adjust to the harsh sunlight. Worse, I notice that we're surrounded by trees. We're in the middle of nowhere! What the hell! I thought we were beneath a highway! Where are the cars I heard zoom by? I try my hardest not to shiver from the extreme cold. I don't have my jacket nor any shoes. I look at Landon. He's wearing only a black t-shirt and jeans. Does he not feel cold? My feet make contact with the freezing layer of snow coating the ground. Landon keeps walking and nudges me into the passenger seat of a car. He gets in the front seat and starts driving.

I quietly look out the window for any signs of hope. All I see is snow and naked trees. Surely, we would have to reach civilization by some time! My heart almost drops as I see a gas station approaching.

"I have to pee," I whimper. No response. "Please I might pee the seat." Please buy it! After a long, uncomfortable silence, Landon replies.

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