Whipped - Part 1

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I'm walking behind Marlene and Scarlet, dreading my fate. How did my life end up like this? I hear maids and slaves talk in hushed voices as we walk through the kitchen. Some of the maids are snickering. I send them a hateful glare. Their laughing expressions morph into angry looks. What are they going to do me, though? I'll be dead by the time my punishment is finished. Landon really didn't think it through when he let Scarlet decide my punishment.

We stop as soon as we reach the pole in front of the pack house. I look back to observe the pack house. I've never seen it from the front. The dark grey roof really complements the ivory walls. The front yard contains beautifully shaped topiary bushes on top of a clean cut of grass. This isn't how I imagined my life to end, but at least I was dying in a beautiful place. I continue to stare at awe at the gorgeous scenery in front of me.

"It's time for your punishment," Marlene informs me, bringing me back to reality. I look around to see that the mistresses, slaves, and maids have gathered around us. The mistresses are smiling and so are the maids. Those sadistic fuckers. The slaves send pitiful looks in my direction, except for Julia who keeps her eyes on the ground. I wonder if she feels guilty. I don't blame her. She simply did what Landon asked her to. It's not like she intentionally tried to get me in trouble. Farewell, my only friend.

"Let this be an example to whoever dares to disrespect the second alpha," Marlene preaches to the crowd. I frown. I thought I was being punished for stabbing Scarlet, and stealing the creams. "This slave," she points to me dramatically, "thought it was wise to steal from the mistresses and then lie about it to the second alpha. She also disrespected the second alpha in his own office." Yup, that was about it. I hear a bunch from the crowd gasp at the accusations. I keep my head down. "Not only that," Marlene continues. "She stabbed a mistress, a higher ranking wolf, for no reason." Okay, that's not true. I stabbed Scarlet because she was going to hurt me. I had even told Landon that, in front of her. I don't care to argue. Let the pain begin.

A maid steps forward and I flinch. I don't want her to undress me. I can handle being whipped, but not naked. I can't be humiliated like I was in front of the mistresses. Thankfully, she just aggressively pushes my face in the pole and ties me with rope. My clothes are still on. Thank God!

I scream as I feel the whip make contact with my back. What the hell! They didn't even give me a warning. I had forgotten that my back was still bruised. Suddenly, I feel the whip strike me again. It feels like my bones are breaking. I had forgotten that my spine was still injured due to what my original captor did to me. I look up as I feel the whip make contact with my flesh a third time. All she-wolves have amused looks on their faces. The humans seem petrified. They know that they can easily be in my position.

After what seems an eternity, the lashes stop coming. I feel blood drip down my back as heart wrenching sobs escape me. All I feel in my back is pain. I'm pretty sure my shirt is torn up from the amount of lashes I've received. "So, did you learn your lesson, you worthless slave?" Scarlet sardonically asks from behind my back. Was she the one whipping me?

"Fuck you!" I scream at the crowd in front of me. I said it before, if I was dying, I was doing it with pride. "And your stupid alpha! And his even dumber dumb fuck brother! Fuck all of you! You can do anything you can to me but I'll never submit to your disgusting race! You worthless MUTTS!" I have no idea where I have the strength or energy to scream this much.

"That's 100 more lashes for you!" Scarlet yells. Good! I'm going to die anyways, why delay the inevitable. Suddenly, I hear the whip smack something that isn't my back.

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