Chapter Seven ~

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Summer had finally arrived, and the six friends spent the first month hanging out together and enjoying their freedom. Joey and Jack still worked at the Ice House and Dawson and Pacey also had their jobs at the video store, even Jen and Andie found summer jobs for themselves. But in their free time, the teenagers hung out at the beach, went to the movie theater, or did other things together. They had a great time and with Joey and Pacey finally getting along the group was stronger than ever.

Pacey had a great summer this far. For once in his life, everything seemed perfect... well almost. He and Andie made up after the fight they had during the whole Mr. Peterson- drama, but she was still a little distant. There was no sex and sometimes it seemed like Andie didn't even want to kiss him. He knew their relationship was not perfect, but he still cared about her. She was the first person who believed in him and wanted him to live up to his potential. Okay sometimes she went a little bit too far and tried the make him something he was not, like the perfect boyfriend in her eyes, but Pacey knew she just wanted what's best for him and that was all that matters, right? So, what if they had come to a rocky point in their relationship? They would work it out, nothing was always just sunshine and rainbow.


It was the 4th of July and the town was at the Leery's for the big barbeque like every year. The gang spent the first few hours in Dawson's room watching movies, laughing, and drinking some liquor Pacey managed to bring. Jen and Pacey had the most experience with drinking, so they knew how to hold their alcohol. Joey didn't want to drink and Jack and Andie only tried a little sip. Dawson on the other hand wanted to keep up with Pacey so he was the only one drunk at the end.

It was fun at first, nobody had seen a drunken Dawson before and at the beginning, he just yelled at the TV as if the characters could hear them but after half an hour his mother called everyone downstairs because the sun was about to set and after that, they would watch the fireworks.

The gang went downstairs and tried to hide Dawson from his parents. But Dawson had other plans and soon after they came outside, he started to make a scene.

"Mom? Dad?" Dawson approached his parents.

"Yes, honey?" Gail looked at her son smiling at the same time his dad left a few of his friends and walked over to his son and ex-wife.

"I need to ask you something." He looked serious but his words were slurred and his voice became louder with each word. "And it is very important!"

The smile on his mother's face faded at the same time as his father shot him a disappointed look.

"Dawson, have you been drinking?" His mother whispered because by now a few people stopped talking and stared at the scene.

Dawson ignored his mother's question. "When do you two finally get your act together? I mean really! You married, then you hate each other, then your friends, you get divorced and now you both act like nothing ever happened and play happy house together! I wish you two would just stop whatever it is that you are doing and decide what you want! Because I can't keep up with you!"

All the guests were now looking at Dawson, and Pacey, who was only a few steps behind him with Jack and Andie, started walking in Dawson's direction.

"Come on D-man, let's take a little walk." He placed his hands on Dawson's shoulders and tried to guide Dawson away.

"Of course, the new and improved Pacey Witter is here to save the day once again!"

"Dawson, I don't know what's going on with you man, but I think you should lie down."

"You know what I think?" Dawson took a step back from his best friend. "I think that you, my dear friend, should just end this transformation and just go back to what you do best, which is to make me feel good about my life because yours is supposed to be worse!"

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