Chapter 7: 'Tie her up!'

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Tristin took off his belt and gave it to the teacher while the girls handed over their neck ties. Ms Cyrus instructed Allison to pull Rory's arms behind her back and wind a neck tie around her small wrists until they were tightly tied together.

Noting that Rory was showing no resistance at all at this point, Ms Cyrus commented: "Girls I am very impressed at how compliant you have made Rory today. You've really put her in her place, haven't you?"

Allison: "It wasn't too difficult, Miss."

Ms Cyrus: "Yes. It wouldn't be. She's weak-minded."

Ms Cyrus told Allison to push Rory's tied arms up in the air behind her and then tie them off, using Tristin's belt, to one of the big clothes pegs above a changing bench

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Ms Cyrus told Allison to push Rory's tied arms up in the air behind her and then tie them off, using Tristin's belt, to one of the big clothes pegs above a changing bench.

The young teacher enjoyed seeing Rory being forced into a very uncomfortable bent-over position, up on her tiptoes with her small bum protruding up in the air.

Ms Cyrus: "She's so pale!"

Becky: "Yes Miss, like an albino."

Jackie: "Or Casper the friendly ghost!"

Ms Cyrus: "I like that one, Jackie. We'll call her Casper, then."

Jackie: "You know Miss, you're pretty cool for a teacher."

Ms Cyrus: "Thanks you're not too bad yourself. I admire you all."

With Rory firmly secured in a very uncomfortable and humiliating position, Ms Cyrus was feeling more relaxed than she'd ever felt since taking this job at Chilton that often stressed her out

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With Rory firmly secured in a very uncomfortable and humiliating position, Ms Cyrus was feeling more relaxed than she'd ever felt since taking this job at Chilton that often stressed her out.

While Rory squirmed and suffered in the corner, it was time for the young teacher to catch up with her favourite students. Ms Cyrus pulled up a chair and started chatting to the 12th graders like she was 17 herself.

"So, you dating someone at the moment, Allison?"

Allison: "Yeah I'm still with Chase, you might remember him? He's in college now."

Ms Cyrus: "Oh yes. Good choice for you. What about you Becky, you got a boyfriend?"

Becky: "I was dating this guy from my class but we broke up last week."

Ms Cyrus: "Aw I'm sorry to hear that, do you wanna talk about it?"

Becky: "Thanks miss, I'm OK. He just wasn't able to keep up with me really."

Ms Cyrus: "Strong girls like us need a strong man - strong physically and strong in character - to be able to handle us. Obviously it's different for Casper here. You wouldn't waste an actual man on her, would you?"

Allison: "Yeah, she wouldn't know what to do with him!"

Still tied up to the clothes peg and exposed from the waist down, Rory was already finding it pretty painful having her arms fastened behind her in such an awkward position

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Still tied up to the clothes peg and exposed from the waist down, Rory was already finding it pretty painful having her arms fastened behind her in such an awkward position.

But Ms Cyrus enjoyed just talking away with her new friends as if Rory wasn't there.

Ms Cyrus: "What about you, Jackie? How are you and Tristin going?"

Jackie: "Great Miss, I really like him."

Eyeing Tristin up and down like she wanted the hunky, blond football player for herself, Ms Cyrus said: "He's a good boy. And very manly. I like it. Casper here could never hope to attract a man like you, Tristin."

Tristin was smiling from ear to ear with pride as Jackie retorted: "I'd like to see her try, Miss. She's such a Mary."

Tristin really hoped his new girlfriend would never find out that he'd once attempted to date Rory

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Tristin really hoped his new girlfriend would never find out that he'd once attempted to date Rory.

Turning to the restrained victim, Ms Cyrus said: "Now Mary, I suppose you feel like these girls have been bullying you?"

Rory: "Yes miss."

Miss Cyrus: "Bullying is a very serious matter. So what are you going to do about it? Report it to a teacher? Oh no, wait, I'm the teacher! And I'm in charge here!"

That made the other girls giggle so much.

Ms Cyrus: "Now, don't you think it's time for Mary's birthday spankings?"

Punished by bullies: Rory Gilmore's 17thWhere stories live. Discover now