Used and so confused 😣

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I woke up not recognising my surroundings but then I turn to my side seeing a sleeping Lewis next to me .

"Morning" he said.
"Morning"I said.

"So what do we do now? "I ask him.

"Forget about this and move on " Lewis said standing up and putting on his pants.

"So this was just a two time thing?" I asked.

"Just like you said it , it's not like we gonna have tea together any other day " he said

I kinda felt broken because I was hoping we could be at least friends and get to know each other.....

"Ya you right I should get going" I said getting out of bed and getting dressed in my clothes I found on the floor.

I just got dressed and exit his room.

As soon as I get to my room I got a shower because I smell like last nights activities.

I started to pack my clothes then there's a knock on the door .

I opened it seeing Charlotte.....

"Oh it's you" I said walking back into my room.

"The one and only , you expected someone else?" she said closing the door behind her.

"No I didn't expect anyone I'm just busy packing I'm not staying longer in Abu Dhabi to celebrate I'm off to Monaco " I said.

"Why so early everyone is leaving tomorrow?" Charlotte said.

"Something happened I just need to think about it that's all " I said.

"You know you can tell me anything right y/n?" she said.

"I know I can and I tell you when I'm ready to tell you I'm trying to process this first" I said.

"Ok see you in Monaco I guess" she said hugging me.

"See you in Monaco "I say under my breath hugging her back.

I'm now on the plane....I put my headphones on and listen to music for the time being.

I opened the door to my apartment as my dog y/d/n ran up to me.

"Oow you missed me I missed you too" I said patting my dog.

The whole day I spent catching up on Housewives of Atlanta and I watched drive to survive .

4 week later

"Oh my god I'm late " I told my self as l looked on my calendar that I'm 2 weeks late.

I decided to ring Charlotte.....Ring ring ring

"Come on Charlotte pick up " I say as I walk up and down by my passage... getting impatient.

"Bonjour y/n" she said sounding like she's busy cooking.

"Charlotte what took you so long to answer!!!?" I shouted .

"Calm down my phone was on charge" she said.

"Charlotte I need you to come to me now ...I think I'm pregnant" I say that last words as if I'm gonna die.

"Wait you think you what is that even possible?" she said.

"Look I'm freaking out please come to my apartment" I say biting on my fingers.

"I be there in 10 minutes but calm down" she said.

"See you Lotte " I say as I hang up the phone.

What if I'm really pregnant what do I do? That's the words that kept repeating in my head.

After a while Charlotte showed up.

"Take a test first before you jump to conclusions"she said throwing the pregnancy test on my table.

"Know this all make sense came to think about it" I said running my hand through my hair.

"What makes sense?" Charlotte said looking at me strangely.

"I've been throwing up, my stomach is a little blotted, I'm craving for ice cream, chocolate and all this things.... I'm pregnant" I said trying to focus on what I've just said.

"Listen y/n don't get paranoid over something you not sure of" she said holding my head and forcing me to make eye contact with her.

"Take the test " she said handing it to me.

"Fine " I said taking the test from her hand.

I went to the bathroom and pee on the pregnancy stick.

And wait for 5 minutes...

The alarm went off it feels like the longest 5 minutes in my life.

"What does it say" Charlotte said entering the bathroom.

"I can't look at it lotte " I said.

"Do you want me to look at it if it makes things better" she said.

"No I'll check it " I said walking over to the test

I turn it around and Positive...

I was too busy on my thoughts that I didn't even notice my eyes let out few tears .

"What does it say" Charlotte said.

"Pregnant" I said.

"Oh my god y/n that's good news" she said.

"Mmm"is all I managed to say.

My mind was buzzing...

"Since you having cravings how about some chocolate icecream" Charlotte said.

"That be nice" I said

"I just realised I forgot to ask you ..... who's the dad?"she said .

"That's the thing that makes everything complicated.... it's Lewis Hamilton" I said slowly saying his name.

"Wait you mean Lewis Hamilton....Sir Lewis Hamilton, as in Lewis racing driver, your brother's rival, Lewis from Mercedes the one your father made a comment about, Lewis the one with braided hair....the Lewis Hamilton" she said.

"Yes the Lewis Hamilton as in my brother's rival" I said.

"So what are you gonna do next?" Charlotte said.

"Well tell my family and hope they don't do something to me"i said.

"But how?"Charlotte said.

"I'm gonna go on Christmas day and tell them ....hi family I'm pregnant with Lewis Hamilton child" I said.

"Well what ever you do I'm here to support you" she said.

"Thanks lotte I'm thankful for having you as a friend" I said.

"But that's what friends are for" she said.

"Ya "I said.

Charlotte ended up going to her house....I just did a lot of research on pregnancy and I should probably go to a doctor to check if everything is fine.


Their was a knock on the door....

"I'm coming" I shouted from my kitchen.

The door opened and it was Max Verstappen ....

"Super Max himself" I said giving him an hug.

"In the flash" he said.

I just left out a little giggle.

Max and I we have a very close sibling bond .....we tell each other everything...I hate that I did this to him .

"So what's new in your life?" Max said .

"Nothing I'm just gonna release my song " I said.

"That's amazing we should celebrate" he said.

"No Champ I think you celebrated enough for this year" I said .

"You forget the year is almost over theirs still a whole new chapter waiting for us " he said.

"Ya a whole new chapter"

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