-23- Those Who Continued On

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-Zak's POV-
Vincent pounced onto me, but not before I cut off the ropes on Darryl's hands. I think I may have slashed through his skin a bit in the process, but that could be patched up later. Vincent slammed my head into the ground repeatedly, fighting hard against my struggles. I jabbed my pocket knife into his side and he yelped. He rolled off of me, clutching his side, but made a quick recovery. I had stood to run, but he grabbed my ankle, using the pocket knife I used on him to slash my leg open. I lost my balance and fell, scraping up my face. Darryl was frozen up in the corner of the room, but soon grabbed  a glass vase from a side table and smashed it over Vincent. He groaned before grabbing my arms and pinning me down. He struck my face repeatedly, though I couldn't stop him as he restrained my arm usage. Darryl stepped in, kicking his stomach from below. He rolled off, but soon pounced again. This time, on Darryl.

He stabbed Darryl in the leg, give him an opening on place his knee on Darryl's neck. This made my blood boil even more. I grabbed a glass shard, panting. I stood from behind, and stabbed him in the neck. As blood spurted from his neck, he spoke.
"You idiots. I'm not even your little friend. He's rotting away in some closet somewhere in this building. I was testing on him, and accidentally turned him into a zombie. He's long gone."

-Darryl's POV-
I stood, glass shards stabbing into my hands. I felt blood slowly trickle down my leg. I groaned, but immediately went to Zak. He put my glasses on me and grabbed my arm.
"We need to go, my bag is in the woods."
"We cant leave Vincent behind though-"
"Darryl, you heard the guy, Vincent's a zombie now."
"But we cant just-"
"We'll come back for him someday. I swear."
I was satisfied with his answer, though I was still worried about leaving Vincent to rot, I wasn't willing to die here. We dashed through the woods together to wherever Zak hid the bag he told me about. On the way, he shed the suit he was wearing, which was now covered in blood. My legs felt numb, and my lungs began to burn, but I kept running. Zak picked up the bag as we ran. Surprisingly, nobody followed, but just to be sure, Zak told me something on the way back.
"We need to find a new spot to stay. It's not longer safe."

436 words

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