-5- One More Night

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-Darryl's POV-
I woke to see Zak towering over me.
"Oh uh.. Good morning"
Zak stared down at me.
"Hm?" He responded, seeming to be brought back to reality.
"Why are you just standing next to me-"
"Sorry, could have sworn I asked what you were doing in here."
"No, you didn't... But I just wanted fresh air last night."
Zak nodded, then helped me up. As we were grabbing our bags, Zak said "By the way, I found something weird yesterday." I tilted my head, intrigued. He pulled me to the first floor, and pointed at a bookshelf.
"One of those books leads to a secret passage, it has a dark blue cover." We both spent a good while pulling books, till I grabbed one and heard quiet creaking. Zak seemed to have heard it too, and pulled me to a now opened passage.

The passage was large, but reeked of rotten flesh. By instinct, I held my nose. We slowly went down, to see something horrific.

-Zak's POV-
There they were, my parents. Laying on the ground. A few things written on the wall in their blood. I walked up to the wall and read some of them aloud.
"Help, Please end it, Trust nobody," and the one that hurt the most. "Zak, we love you."
My eyes fixated on it. Darryl opened his mouth to speak, but seemed to see what was going on.

Then, I looked over to my sister, her arms tied to the wall and her throat slashed. Her eyes were gouged out. Her message caught my eye. "Zak, please don't trust her" I read aloud. What did that mean? Who? Was it someone I knew who did this? Suddenly, I heard whines of an animal coming from a side room. I ran over to the door, to see my dog, Rocco, probably being starved.

"Rocco!" I grabbed him. Darryl seemed to understand he was my dog, so he let me be. I gave Rocco some food and a big hug.
"Let's get out of here Darryl, before the person who got my family gets to us"
"Yeah, agreed." Darryl's voice somewhat relaxed me. I mentally rolled my eyes at that thought, it was stupid, I JUST met him. Though he did remind me of someone, I just couldn't place my finger on it. Maybe two people... I sighed as we went outside.

Darryl was holding my wrist, humming. I giggled.
"Hey Darryl, can you drop the bass?" I was now suppressing an actual laugh.
"Oh yeah, I used to do that a lot"
"Wait no don't actually!" I was laughing now, almost unable to breathe. Darryl pouted at me, and we continued walking as I held Rocco. We were just heading to the store, as we needed supplies.

By the time we finished, it was getting dark.
"Hey Zak, should we stay here again tonight? In a different building?" I sighed, but nodded.
"Fine, one more night."

So uh hi, this might disappoint some people idk but I might not be posting daily chapters anymore. There's been a lot going on with my life and I'm just not feeling great right now. I will not be abandoning nor taking a break from this project, I'm just not going to be posting daily chapters like I have been previously. I will try my hardest to get new chapters out as soon as possible. Thank you all, I love you lots guys! (No homo or hetero) ❤️

593 words

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