-18- Static

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-Zak's POV-
Leaves crunched under my shoes as I walked with Darryl. It was late fall, and Darryl wanted to walk with me.



"I'm cold, can we share your jacket?"



"Are you hitting on me?"



I put the right half of my jacket up and around Darryl's shoulder. He smiled at me, and we continued. As we walked, we heard a strange noise coming from a clearing. It was like radio static.

"I'm going to check it out."

"Zak, I'm not sure that's a good idea."

"I'll be fine!"

"Zak I'm serio-"

And I was off, running towards the clearing. I could tell Darryl was close behind, but I knew he wouldn't catch up. I stopped in front of a shack. As I neared closer, the noise got louder. I slowly made my way towards the door, then knocked on the door. I heard a yelp and immediately stepped back. Footsteps, then a creaking noise. Suddenly, something grabbed my shoulder.



"Oh my god Darryl you scared me!"

"And you ran off, now let's get out of here!"

"Bad..? Skeppy..?"


We both turned to see George, better known as GeorgeNotFound.

"George! What are you doing out here?" Darryl asked him.

George seemed to be crying.

"I..." He began. "I came here with Clay, we decided to stay one night. The next morning, he's gone! What if a zombie got him and he ran?!"

"George, calm down, we'll help you find him."

"Don't, he's probably long gone... I'll just rot."

"George we will NOT let you."

"Darryl I don't fucking care!"

"That's it you muffin."

Darryl grabbed his arm and dragged him home.


"Yes, Zak?"

"What was that static?"

"Clay and I had radios, I was trying to get signal for his."

"Ah, alright."

We continued our walk home, with George passing out every 5 seconds.

-George's POV-

I woke up to see a house, presumably Zak's, standing before me. Darryl carried me inside and sat me on a bed in a room upstairs.

"You need sleep you muffin!"

"I'll get you food." Zak stated as he left the room.

Darryl nodded.

"You guys, I can take care of myself."

"No you can't you muffin head, you just lost your best friend."


"No buts, we're taking care of you."


394 words

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